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  • Transcription is exactly "Didn’t see it coming, couldn’t read the clues</br>
    A troubled man who figured he had nothing left to lose</br>
    Sunday evening in the Blue Ridge and everything seemed alright</br>
    26,000 innocent people settled for the night</br>
    They came from almost everywhere. They came from all around.</br>
    Looking for the dream life in this special little town</br>
    The campus wakes up unaware that something’s going wrong.</br>
    They wake up to the day they’d never knew would last so long.</br>
    32 Lives – start the day they thought they’d be with all their friends</br>
    32 Tried – to do the best they could to see them all again.</br>
    32 Died – with the one who wanted everything to end.</br>
    33 Gone, 33 Gone</br>
    And the families are driven to the depths of their despair</br>
    The press keeps asking questions, but do they really care</br>
    “Why would you want to stay here? What took so very long?”</br>
    But hindsight won’t retrieve them and they’ve got the story wrong, so wrong.</br>
    Now the small town’s innocence has cruelly gone away.</br>
    Lost the peaceful feeling that they had most every day.</br>
    How will we take care of all the loved ones left behind?</br>
    Candles, colors, flowers only last a short, short time.</br>
    And I want to know why did they all have to die</br>
    Yeah, I want to know where and when and how</br>
    ‘Cause I wanna believe that if we can all grieve</br>
    Then we can begin to heal right here and now</br>
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