Browse Items (1 total)

  • Transcription is exactly "Early one spring, in a Virginia town</br>
    Shots rang out on the campus grounds</br>
    Misguided youth with a firearms</br>
    Took out his aggressions with bodily harm</br>
    In the morning light you could hear them shout</br>
    Run for cover or you won't make it out</br>
    The students all ran for their lives</br>
    At the horror unfolding before their eyes</br>
    Pray for the children</br>
    As they lie</br>
    (Let's Pray)</br>
    Pray for the ones</br>
    That lost their lives</br>
    (Let's Pray)</br>
    Pray for the children</br>
    Taken before their time</br>
    (Let's Pray)</br>
    Pray for the ones</br>
    For whom a nation now cries.</br>
    He went through the dorms</br>
    Shot them one by one</br>
    Then he reloaded</br>
    Before he moved on</br>
    Across the quad</br>
    And down to the hall</br>
    Opened the classroom doors</br>
    And bodies began to fall</br>
    Pray for the children</br>
    As they lie</br>
    (Let's Pray)</br>
    Pray for the ones</br>
    That lost their lives</br>
    —Page 2—</br>
    © 2007 By, Alison I. Meyers for AM Ready Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.</br>
    (Let's Pray)</br>
    Pray for the children</br>
    Taken before their time</br>
    (Let's Pray)</br>
    Pray for the ones</br>
    For whom a nation wonders why</br>
    And in the end</br>
    When silence fills the air</br>
    33 Bodies lay in blood</br>
    Oh, the life that was taken there</br>
    And Pray for the children</br>
    As they lie</br>
    (Let's Pray)</br>
    Pray for the faculty</br>
    That helped them to survive</br>
    (Let's Pray)</br>
    Pray for our country</br>
    Whose history changed today</br>
    (Let's Pray)</br>
    And pray for the Children"
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