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  • Transcription is exactly "There’s a lone wailing in Virginia</br>
    Where a nation’s hearts beat as one</br>
    For the day in Blacksburg, Virginia</br>
    Where one man took so many with a gun</br>
    It’s a quiet, friendly place, Blacksburg, Virginia</br>
    Where the mountains and the rivers all run free</br>
    But it only takes one man with access to gun</br>
    And a hatred for all humanity</br>
    How does a hollow heart get wounded</br>
    How can we recognize the signs</br>
    When the worlds all connected now</br>
    So many wires tying up the lines</br>
    Can’t we bring ourselves to go and stop a crime</br>
    Why do so many have to die before we do</br>
    What we should have done before</br>
    Why do so many have to cry before we see the writing on the wall</br>
    Our nation learns a lesson about dying</br>
    When it happens on its own, Cherry told me</br>
    Now on some fallen shore</br>
    We’re in someone else’s war</br>
    But crying for its own young's destiny</br>
    Why do so many have to die before we do</br>
    What we should have done before</br>
    Why do so many have to cry before we see the writing on the wall</br>
    They say the right to bear arms is important</br>
    To protect yourself from others bearing arms</br>
    But the ones who say this aren’t yet broken</br>
    By seeing their loved ones made into pawns</br>
    Don’t they know about that love</br>
    That the loss of them diminishes us all</br>
    Don’t they see or are their hearts empty</br>
    There's enough death around without their war</br>
    America, America please listen</br>
    Your children embrace you in the sun</br>
    The hopes of generations lie hanging by a thread</br>
    At the mercy of anyone with a gun</br>
    Don’t let them kill your children one by one</br>
    No mercy, no mercy for the gun</br>
    There’s a lone wailing in Virginia</br>
    Where a nation's hearts beat as one</br>
    For the day in Blacksburg, Virginia</br>
    Where one man took so many with a gun</br>
    Don’t let them kill your children one by one</br>
    No mercy, no mercy for the gun"
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