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  • Transcription is exactly "Woke up to the mornin' news</br>
    And once again it's filled with tragedy</br>
    On a college campus in Virginia</br>
    Evil went on another spree</br>
    Now we're all trying to make sense of the senseless</br>
    With hindsight and many second guesses</br>
    What could have been done to stop the evil one</br>
    Or maybe it's time we teach the words of Jesus</br>
    He said love the Lord your God with all your heart</br>
    And love your sister and brother</br>
    Love the one true God with all your soul, mind, and strength</br>
    And love one another</br>
    Some believe we need more control</br>
    And some the right programs</br>
    But the fact of the matter</br>
    It all begins within the heart of a man</br>
    We can choose to treat the symptoms</br>
    Or go for the disease</br>
    Just try to slow the war</br>
    Or set our sights on peace</br>
    We'll see change across this land when we follow the commands </br>
    That Jesus gave to you and me</br>
    He said love the Lord your God with all your heart</br>
    And love your sister and brother</br>
    Love the one true God with all your soul, mind, and strength</br>
    And love one another</br>
    Do not be overcome by evil</br>
    But overcome evil with good</br>
    This is possible when we learn to love as we should</br>
    Love as we should</br>
    Love the Lord your God with all your heart</br>
    And love your sister and brother</br>
    Love the one true God with all your soul, mind, and strength</br>
    And love one another</br>
    Love one another</br>
    Love one another</br>
    Love God and love one another"
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