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Type is exactly "Architectural drawings"
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Proposed layout for a junior college in California
Black and white drawing of a detailed architecture plan for a junior college in California by architect Henrietta May Steinmesch.
Architecture plan (7)
Black and white drawing of a detailed architecture plan of the Lafayette United Methodist Church in California.
Architecture plan (6)
Color drawing of a detailed architecture plan of the Lafayette United Methodist Church in California.
Architecture plan (5)
Black and white drawing of a detailed architecture plan of the Lafayette United Methodist Church in California.
Architecture plan (4)
Color drawing of a detailed architecture plan of the Lafayette United Methodist Church in California.
Electrical plan
Color drawing detailing the electrical plan of the Lafayette United Methodist Church in California.
Architecture plan (3)
Black and white drawing of a detailed architecture plan of the Lafayette United Methodist Church in California.
Architectural drawing of the exterior
Black and white drawing of the exterior of the Lafayette United Methodist Church in California.
Architecture plan (2)
Black and white drawing of a detailed architecture plan of the Lafayette United Methodist Church in California.
Architecture plan (1)
Black and white image of the floorplan for the Lafayette United Methodist Church in California.
Black and white drawing of the blueprint for Lafayette United Methodist Church in California.
Two Story Building (3)
A strongly detailed drawing of a two story building.
3D Two Story Building
A depiction of a 3D two story building shown from the left side.
Two Story Building (2)
Two drawings that depict a two story building without a balcony, and then the same building with a balcony installed.
Sketch of a Building (2)
An architectural sketch of a building.
Geographical Architecture
An architectural sketch of a building surrounded by a body of water. This was a gift from the artist to Torre.
Watercolor Art piece
A watercolor art piece that depicts palm trees in a neighborhood.
Two Story Building (1)
A strongly detailed drawing of a two story building.
Sketch of a Building (1)
An architectural sketch of a building.
Garage plan
Architectural drawing of two garages and a small bathroom.
Kitchen and work area plan
Architectural drawing of a house with a kitchen and bathroom labeled.
Recreation area plan
Architectural drawing of a recreation area with a ping-pong room, a bathroom, and two stock rooms.
House plan in color
Architectural drawing of a farm house and large barn. Drawings of chickens, pigs, horses, and cows show the designated spaces for each animal.
Elevation plan
Architectural drawing of a large farm house with a birds-eye-view and a side view of the house.
Building plan
Architectural drawing of the ground floor of a building with several bathrooms, a quiet room, and a dining area labeled.
Public building plan
Architectural drawing of a public building with a terrace, buffet, foyer, stage, and hallway labeled.
House plan
Architectural drawing of a house with a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and hallway labeled.
House plan
Architectural drawing of a house with a kitchen, dining area, bathroom, and a balcony.
House plan
Architectural drawing of a house with a kitchen nook and a balcony. There seems to be a room under the roof that is accessible.
Architectural drawing of the third floor of a house with a hallway and a bedroom.
House plan
Architectural drawing of the second floor of a house with a kitchen and a parlour. There is a room that is only accessible by a ladder.
House plan
Architectural drawing of the ground floor of a house with a garage and stairs to basement. This seems to be the plan before construction (?)
Danville Extension, Project 843, Layout for Service Court, Driveway, Walkways, and Steps
Danville Extension, Project 843, Orientation Chart
Proposed Danville Vocational School Blueprint, Sheet 4
Proposed Danville Vocational School Blueprint, Sheet 3
Proposed Danville Vocational School Blueprint, Sheet 2
Proposed Danville Vocational School Blueprint, Sheet 1
Work Order 972-M, Lintel Reinforcement
Work Order 1524-M
Work Order 970-M, First Floor Erection Plan
Work Order 1529-M, Second Floor Reinforcing Plan
Work Order 972-M, Reinforcement Placing Plan E1
Work Order 972-M, Reinforcement Placing Plan E2
Danville Extension, Project 843, Elevation Drawings
Danville Extension, Project 843, Basement and First Floor Plan
Danville Extension, Project 843, Plot Plan
Danville Extension, Project 843, First Floor Design
Architectural Drawings, McBryde Building by Carneal and Johnston, undated
Architecural drawings of the old McBryde Building by Carneal and Johnston (Richmond, Va.), an architectural and engineering firm that often worked on buildings at VPI.
Architectural Drawing, War Memorial Hall, undated
These architechtual drawings depict the proposed plans for War Memoial Hall and Gymnasium.
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