A clipping from the 1999 Bugle of Lisa Witherspoon's player profile. Witherspoon was an inducted into Virginia Tech's Hall of Fame in 2009. She was a basketball player at Virginia Tech from 1995-1999.
A clipping from the 1982 Bugle featuring Ginny Lessman Stonick who was the first woman volleyball athlete inducted into Virginia Tech's Sports Hall of Fame.
A clipping from 1998 of Katie Ollendick who was an All-American athlete in Track and Field, specifically the High Jump. She was also inducted into the Virginia Tech's Sports Hall of Fame in 2008.
A clipping from the 1925 Tin Horn. This is the first mention of a woman's basketball team at Virginia Tech. It was unsanctioned and unpopular with the majority male-dominated university.
Article called "Short Courses for Women" from The Techgram, 1943-04-01, discusses several 1 to 10 week courses at VPI to prepare women for work during World War II.
Article by Madelyn Rosenberg of the Roanoke Times-World News reporting on the independence of the School of Forestry and Wildlife Resources from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, August 20, 1991.
Article by Allison Blake of Roanoke Times reporting on the dissolution of the College of Education and its incorporation into the College of Human Sciences and Education, Janurary 23, 1996.
Article announcing the reorganization of the College of Arts and Sciences into the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, as well as other administrative changes, 2003.
Article by Madelyn Rosenberg of the Roanoke Times-World News, discussing a protest at Virginia Tech against the guilty sentence of Rodney King, and the aquittal of the four Los Angeles police officers that beat him, May 2, 1992.
Article by Robby Korth of the Roanoke Times regarding protests over percieved inaction by Virginia Tech administration toward punishing sexual assault perpatrators and creating safe spaces for men, women, and victims, May 1, 2019.
Article by Arielle Retting of the Roanoke Times reporting on a student protest against the use of coal to power the Virginia Tech Power Plant, October 3, 2011
Article by Henri Gendreau of the Roanoke Times regarding Virginia Tech reinvestigating the association with Professor Claudius Lee and the Klu Klux Klan, and the building named after him. This took place following the George Floyd killing, and…
Article from the Roanoke Times-World News with a timeline of President Lavery's time at Virginia Tech and a transcript of his letter of resignation, October 17, 1987.
Article from the Collegiate Times describing student protests over a proposed addition to Cowgill Hall, that is aesthetically different from other parts of campus, October 13, 1987.
These clippings from "Locomotive Lady" by Robert M. Hyatt, Boston Herald-Tribune, contain a story about Carmen Venegas, VPI's first international woman graduate. The text and images depict her working on a railroad and other engineering duties, April…
This newspaper clipping describes the women's basketball team's victory over the "Bashful Basketeers" of Concord State. One of the captions uses the term "Turkey Hens", which is what the women's team called themselves. Because the University did not…
This newspaper article describes several smallpox cases that occurred in Blacksburg in 1913. It is aso noted in the article that everyone at the University had been vaccinated prior to the outbreak.
This newspaper article discusses funding for V. P. I. that was approved by the Federal Works Administration. The funding was for the construction of several new building at the Radford Ordnance Works.
This newspaper article discusses the opening of a new dormitory at Virginia Tech. This dormitory was named after Lieutenant James Monteith, who was a Medal of Honor recipient.
This newspaper article describes the fire that broke out in the old library in 1953. Nothing was destoryed since all library materials had been moved several weeks before the fire broke out.
This clipping depicts an Anti-Iranian protest that occurred in November of 1979 to show support for the hostages that were being held at the United States Emabsy.
This newspaper article from The Roanoke Times is the first mention if the Association of Chinese Students. The article discusses the gift of some reproductions of Chinese artworks to VPI.
This newspaper clipping shows a photograph of the Virginia Tech Board of Vistors. R. L. McConnell, C. A. Boatwright, H. H. Walton, and Dr. M. P. Smith, who were the first women to join the Board of Visitors are pictured.