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  • Type is exactly "Articles"

This article is about the complications of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and how the infection affects the patients of Piedmont Sanatorium. It is an article reprint from Virginia Medical Monthy, February 1926.

Newspaper article reporting on legislation to merge Virginia Polytechnic Institute and the State Teachers' College at Radford, Feburary 15, 1944.

Rocket Navigation by Samuel Herrick, published while he was a member of the Department of Astronomy at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Newspaper article reporting on Virginia Tech's aquisition of a nuclear reactor simualtor for instruction, Janurary 1, 1956

Newspaper article reporting on the aquisition of urainium for the nuclear reactor at Virginia Tech, July 1, 1956

Article and photograph of the appointment of Dr. Laura Jane Harper as Dean of Home Econcomics for Virginia Tech and Radford University, from the Blacksburg Virginian, August 18, 1960.

Newspaper article reporting President Hahn's letter announcing the end of compulsory participation in the Corps of Cadets, June 1, 1964.
AP News article detailing the State Department's attempts to reach out to America's youth.
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