Browse Items (111 total)

  • Type is exactly "Correspondence"

A memorandum from a surveyor regarding work he was contracted to do for the mill.

A note from a surveyor hired by the mill

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A letter explaining some features of plat drawn up by a surveyor on behalf of the mill.

A letter sent by the state confirming that the mill provided all utilities for the town.

A letter from the Werthan Bag Corporation asking the mill to resell their empty bags to help with the war effort.

Letter to lambda Horizon Officers and Members from Senior Sociology major Victoria L. Smith asking for the groups help and advice with her seminar project about the stigmatization of subcultures and minority groups.

Letter from the Squires Student Center Program Director, Mary L Thoreen, and the Squires Ticket Office manager Sue Vinson, to Lambda Horizon President mark Weber notifying the group of a policy change for student groups who wish to purchase blocks…

Letter from Lambda Horizon's Roland Follot to fellow gay student representatives at other universities concerning Gay Awareness Week.

Letter from Robert Riddle, President of the Gay Student Alliance at Virginia Commonwealth University, regarding a conference in preparation for a statewide Gay Awareness Week to be held on several college campuses. Meeting notes from the conference…

Letter from Robert Riddle, President of the Gay Student Alliance at Virginia Commonwealth University, to attendees of the Planning Conference for Gay Awareness Week 1985. Letter includes a schedule of events and a map of the VCU campus.

Letter to Phil Donahue from the AIDS Education Committee inviting him to attend the AIDS Education Forum being held at Virginia Tech on March 1, 1986.

Letter from Patrick Hanrahan to mark Weber regarding possible organization activities for Lambda Horizon in the coming months.

A letter from Lambda Horizon President Mark Weber to Raft, the Sociology Department, the Psychology Department, the Family and Childe Development Center, the University Counseling Center, and Student Health Services inviting them to attend a talk on…

Fundraising and information letter describing the functions and activities of Lambda Horizon.

Letter to the Political Science faculty at Virginia Tech inviting them to attend U.S. Congressman Barney Frank's lecture at Lambda Horizon's Gay Awareness Week. A flyer and Lambda Horizon group information is attached to the letter.

Letter to the local news media from Mark weber, President of Lambda Horizon, detailing the agenda for Gay Awareness Week. A flyer and Lambda Horizon information is included with the letter.

Letter to friends of Lambda Horizon from Mark Weber asking for their support and financial assistance.

Correspondence from Dr. Richard P. Keeling, UVA's Director of Student Health, to Mark Weber congratulating him for his recent proposal for the creation of a Gay Student Concerns staff position at Virginia Tech.

Letter from Dr. Richard P. Keeling, the University of Virginia's Diractor of Student Health, to Mark Weber regarding arrangements for the upcoming ACHA national conference in New Orleans.

Letter to friends of Lambda Horizon announcing the groups partnership with the university to present Virginia Tech's AIDS Education Forum.

A letter from the mill Vice President and Mayor of Fries, allowing the Highway Department to clean up a specified piece of land.

A letter responding to another company's attempts to collect on an alleged $2 debt.

A letter to Dr. Wilmer Hodgson asking him to resign as mill doctor for Fries.

A letter about a personnel change within the Fries Textile Mill.

This letter was written by Maude E. Wallace of Virginia Agricultural Extension Service, Blacksburg, VA, to Sarah Pitts of George Peabody College, Nashville, TN, on 14 August 1929. Ms. Pitts had been hired to work as an Extension agent, but had not…

The Virginia Brewing Company letter was written on September 27, 1909 by Louis A. Scholz, President of the company, and Henry Scholz, Secretary and Treasurer of the company requesting support for anti-Prohibition laws in Virginia.

A letter regarding land for a maintenence road for Highway 94.

A letter regarding land for a maintenence road for Highway 94.

A letter regarding land for a maintenence road for Highway 94.

A letter regarding land for a maintenence road for Highway 94.

A letter regarding land for a maintenence road for Highway 94.

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A letter regarding some land given to the state in order to redo a state highway.

The letter is from Mildred Tate to Mrs. Gillette inviting her to a dinner at Hillcrest, the women's dormitory at Virginia Tech, held by Mrs. White on September 11, 1940.

A letter from the mayor of Fries requesting that the mill administration make some repairs to the town jail.

A letter from the mill president congratulating Fries High School students on their athletic accomplishments

Envelope from 1899 letter by Snavely

The collection includes a letter written by J. A. Snavley, its envelope, and an advertisement postcard/mailer for Scientific American publications. The letter describes attempts to gain a patent for acetylene gas light and other inventions, such as a…

A letter from the treasurer of the Washignton Mills Company inquiring about several employees wh had quit their jobs in North Carolina in order to work at the mill in Fries.

A letter introducing a new mill employee, sent to the Fries Mill from another mill owned by the Washington Mills Company.

A letter to a former mill employee accusing him of trying to convince his former coworkers at the mill to quit and join him at his new company.

A letter from a pharmacist in Galax, VA, reporting on unpayed accounts of mill employees for prescription drugs.

Telegram to Agents, Norfolk and Western Railway Company, Roanoke, Virginia

A letter from Mrs. Patsie Pruitt asking for her job back at the mill. She had moved to Maryland, but wanted to go back to Fries because child labor laws in Maryland prevented her children from working.

The second letter dates to May 15, 1872 and is written by Sarah Caperton Preston to Colonel Grabowski at Virginia Military Institute (VMI). The letter is a response to a previous notice from the Colonel about her son’s (Hugh Caperton Preston) recent…
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