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Robert E. Lee's Farewell Address
Printed copy of Robert E. Lee's farewell address.
Fliers, Virginia Sea Grant Program, undated
This flier depicts the logo for the Virginia Sea Grant Program at Virginia Tech.
Flier, Gay Awareness Week, 1979
This flier advertises the different events that were happening around campus during Gay Awareness Week in 1979.
Flier, Founders' Day Ceremony, 1972
This flier advertises the Founders' Day Ceremony that occured on March 24, 1972 in the VPI&SU Coliseum.
Handout, Information on Homophobia, Lambda Horizon, n.d. (Ms2014-010)
Handout produced by Lambda Horizon detailing homophobic responses to gays and lesbians.
Handout, "Ten Tips About What To Do When You Meet a Gay or Lesbian", Lambda Horizon, n.d. (Ms2014-010)
Handout produced by Lambda Horizon offering ten tips about what to do when you encounter a gay or lesbian.
Sesquicentennial Time Capsule Invitation
Digital invitation for the time capsule sealing event, created for the Virginia Tech Sesquicentennial (150 year) celebration in 2022.
Flier, Virginia Tech Language and Culture Institute, 2016
Virginia Tech informational flier in Arabic from the VT Language and Culture Institute, 2016.
Grand opening flyer for the first LGBT Resource Center at Virginia Tech
Handout, Heterosexual Questionaire, Lambda Horizon, n.d. (Ms2014-010)
Questionaire for heterosexuals produced and distributed by Lambda Horizon.
Handout, Myths of Homosexuality, Lambda Horizon, n.d. (Ms2014-010)
Handout produced by Lambda Horizon describing some common myths about homosexuality.
Handout, Gay Awareness Week, Lambda Horizon, April 11-17, 1986 (Ms2014-010)
Handout promoting Lambda Horizon's Gay Awareness Week.
Handout, Gay Awareness Week, Lambda Horizon, April 8 - 12, 1985 (Ms2014-010)
Handout detailing some of the upcoming activities at Lambda Horizon's Gay Awareness Week.
Handout, AIDS Education Committee, March 1, 1986 (Ms2014-010)
Handout produced by the AIDS Education Committee promoting the AIDS Education Forum held at Virginia Tech on March 1, 1986.
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