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Confederate soldier in the 4th Virginia Regiment, Co. D, Ewell Corps, Stonewall Brigade, during the Civil War. Letter written November 22, 1863, to "My Dear Friend" from camp on the Rapidan River near Orange Court House, Virginia. Writes about his…

This letter was sent from A. C. Collins to Edgar Knapp on December 30, 1863.

Letter sent to the estate of John N. Smith about payment for clothing.

Letter sent to B. R. Smith from A. Savage about pay for John N. Smith's clothing.
Letter from Penmen to his wife, describing camp life and the large numbers of incoming soldiers.
Letter from Van Fleet to his parents, describing daily duties and being fired upon by Rebel cannons.
Letter from Gerry to his friend, George, describing others in his regiment and asking for a return reply.
Letter fron Lukens to his parents, discussing a missing soldier and a local Secessionist.
Letter from George E. Davis to his parents, including his intent to send money when he is paid and moving of his regiment's camp. L)_1861_0802a.jpg
Letter from brothers Henry and Luther Cole to sister Annie, describing camp life and their cabin.
Letter from Henry Cole to his sister Annie talking about food rations, weather, and camp duties.
Letter from Henry Cole to his sister Annie describing his current location, the landscape, and the contents of his backpack.
Letter from Miller to a friend, talking about camp life and activities, including cutting down trees.
Letter from Rappleyea to his mother, describing current and future regiment movements and plans to send money when he gets paid.
Letter from a soldier named Jonathan (the last name is illegible) to "Sallie," about her desire to visit him, the poor health of soldiers in his regiment, and their impending advance to Washington, DC.
Letter from Nickerson to his sister, detailing recent activities of the regiment, letters received, and travels through Boston.
Letter from Stewart to his sister, discussing the difficulties of the regiment, several skirmishes, and his hopes to return home soon.
Letter from Turrill to his aunt and uncle, describing brigade drills, upcoming orders, and the life of a soldier.
Letter from Gregory to his brother, Bill, describing mail delays and requesting items from home.
Letter from Gregory to his brother, Bill, describing camp life, recent activities, and requesting a coat.
Letter from William Dixon to his wife, Martha, describing the weather, that he has sent her money, and his hopes to return home soon.
Two letters in one Envelope, April 28, 1865 and April 23, 1865
Two letters in one Envelope, April 28, 1865 and April 23, 1865
April 9, 1865, Letter to Capt. G.W. Nelson (P.O.W.) Ft. Delaware, DE, (Pressed Flowers inside Envelope)

This letter was sent from C. D. Ettiner to Edgar Knapp on March 4, 1864.
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