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  • Type is exactly "Letters"

Bob talks about today being his anniversary of a full year out of the United States. He talks about the Iwo Jima campaign.

Bob talks about his wife finding her own home to live in. He also talks about work on 24 hour operation.

Bob talks about his mother getting her car back. He talks about running problems all through the night for work.

Bob thanks his mother and Nancy for the Christmas presents.

Bob talks about how Christmas is going to be really different this year. He talks about buying a camera for himself.

Bob talks about war news of a friend's squadron in the Philippines.

Bob talks about receiving a Christmas card from Mrs Yonker in the States. He says that at work they have been taken over by NACTU (Night Air Combat and Training Unit).

Bob talks about trying to find Christmas presents for his mother and Nancy. Bob talks about how work has not been very busy for 10 days.

Bob talks about trying to find Christmas presents for his mother and Nancy. He talks about being offered another job, but turning it down, because he feels his current job is too important.

Bob warns Nancy not to have the cateye of the ring heated when she's getting it resized. He also talks about the victory in the Philippines.

Bob talks about enjoying his day off taking a drive along the ocean and visiting Sacred Falls.

Bob talks about the delay in sending a present for his mother and Nancy using cateyes. He talks about receiving three packages for Christmas.

Bob talks about his friend coming to visit and having dinner with him. He talks about the campaign and how he feels about it.

Bob talks about reading a letter from Mrs. Vesty [who lived across the street from his parents.] He talks about the night operations that are beginning and the technicians that he works with.

Bob talks about Frances, his wife, getting the bracelet he sent from New Caledonia.

Bob talks about finishing building a communications hut to put the radar gear in. He talks about coping with Jimmie's loss.

Bob talks about getting permanent equipment in. He talks about receiving and reading copies of Jimmies letters.

Bob talks about Frances' letter regarding their trip to the farm. He talks about finding where his friend is stationed and getting to talk with him.

Bob talks about wanting to look up where a friend is stationed when he goes into Honolulu. He talks about having a cat and washing the dishes after his friends make lunch.

Bob talks about Frances' letter regarding their trip to the farm.

Bob talks about Jimmie and how he would like to read copies of some letters, including Jimmie's last letters.

Bob talks about news of his friend Dale Haverstock who he received a letter from. He also talks about the friends from school he has been running into on the island.

Bob talks about enjoying his work as it feels worthwhile and is mostly outdoors.

Bob talks about finally getting his mail from his wife and his mother, including three letters following Jimmie's death containing news of D-day and Company L's actions. He also reassures his mother not to worry about him, because his job is safer…

Bob talks about how he previously has wanted sea duty, but now has duty he likes on the island working with radar gear he's familiar with.

Bob talks about finding out that Jimmie was killed in action.

Bob talks about school and moving closer to school and where he eats his meals. He talks about visiting Honolulu and Waikiki beaches and enjoying life in Hawaii.

Bob talks about his recent trip from New Caledonia. He says that he's going to school again and talks about receiving Jimmie's photograph.

Bob talks about the delay in mail coming through and receiving photographs of his wife and daughter. He also talks about the negatives he sent to his wife to make prints for his mother.

Bob talks about the recent invasion of Normandy on D-Day 06/06/1944.

Bob talks about the delay in mail coming through and receiving letters from the Techgram and the V.P.I. Alumni Fund. He talks about his current job and that when it ends, he doesn't know what job he will be given.

Bob is able to tell his mother about his trip since 2 months have passed. He says that he has taken on another's job in addition to his own.

Bob talks about the restriction on taking photos on the island. He talks about two men from Richmond that he's come across, including one who attended V.P.I. with him.

Bob talks about getting his first letter from home through. He talks about taking a group of men to set up a camp on the island.

Bob talks about his first ocean trip without seasickness and with crowded quarters in the ship. He talks about the conditions and recreation activities.

Bob assures his mother not to worry, because he won't be able to write very often anymore. He talks about sending home his sea chest to her and gives her instructions as to what to do with the pieces inside.

Bob talks about waiting for his sea chest to be sent back to Richmond. He talks about the trip up the previous weekend.

Bob talks about traveling to and from Hueneme. He also talks about asking his wife to send some clothes to him.

Bob talks about getting to Holtville, CA. He talks about getting his other half stripe and getting more responsibility for the radar equipment.

Bob talks about a storm on San Clemente that caused their gear to get wet which made a lot of work for them. He also talks about his plans to go back to Hueneme and then get more training.

Bob talks about San Clemente Island. He also describes the radar sets that he works with.

Bob talks about the places he's going to be training next, San Clemente Island, the Mohave Desert, and Pearl Harbor. He talks about the recreational activities he does and reflects on his wife's visit.

Bob talks about his work setting up and learning to use the equipment. He talks about his C.O. and everyone's feelings towards him.

Bob talks about his brother, Jimmie, getting a promotion and his own assignment. He talks about his plans to bring his wife to stay for a couple weeks. He talks about traveling to Santa Barbara and Los Angeles.

Bob talks about how relaxed this month's work is supposed to be compared to the others. He talks about the weather in Massachusetts.

Bob talks about getting up early to study for exams, because paperwork was confidential and couldn't leave the building. He says that someone is sending his mom strawberries from France.

Bob talks about the war news and believes the Allies are winning. He talks about having dinner and going swimming with two French soldiers.

Bob talks about an air raid that lasted for an hour and a half. He talks about reading his brother's letter and encouraging his mother not to write Jimmie to say she was worried.

Bob talks about how he thinks Jimmie is getting along in Europe, because his mother is worrying. He talks about his daughter growing up and the scarves he sent home for his mother and his wife.
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