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This file is an xslx spreadsheet of the holdings in the Virginia Newspaper Collection. Clicking on the "Ms2012_034_VirginiaNewspaperCollection" link will automatically download the file.

Masthead of the first issue of The Virginia Tech newspaper, reporting on football games with N.C. A&M (North Carolina State), St. Albans School, and the opening "German" dance of the school year, October 21, 1903.

Portion of front page of The Virginia Tech, Vol. 4, No. 4, October 26, 1906 issue reports on the resignation of President McBryde. There is also an article on a coming performance of The Mikado and on the arrival of the Clemson football team.

Portion of front page of The Virginia Tech, Vol. 60, No. 4, December 6, 1963, which reports on Virginia Tech's football victory over the Virginia Military Institute.

Newspaper clipping of an article in the Washington Post about six women receiving awards from the Federal Women's Award program for outstanding careers in the U.S. Civil Service. Marjorie Rhodes Townsend is featured.

Newspaper clipping of Marjorie Rhodes Townsend at the 13th annual Federal Woman's award banquet. The picture and blurb were published in the Washington, D.C. Evening Star and Daily News.
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