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  • Type is exactly "Pamphlets"

Ms2001_B2_F7_003 (1).tif
Pamphlet of field croquet instructions; map on back; no date.

This pamphlet celebrates the 15th anniversary of the joint USA-USSR Space Mission, Apollo-Soyuz. The pamphlet includes the story of the project, an event program, and thanks to contributors and sponsors.

Published by NASA, this pamphlet is one of a series of nine curriculum-related pamphlets for teachers and students of space science.

A small booklet containing payload flight assignments for NASA's mixed fleet as of February 1991. "Avitabile" is written in ink on the front cover, indicating that this was his copy.

A time table for trains created by the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company. This time table details several train routes, and their arrival and departure times.

RM671L93N491903_The New Woman.pdf
An advertising pamphlet by Lydia Pinkham.

Pages 46 and 47 from "The Cowboy and Com-Cel-Sar" detailing the nature of the testimonials in the booklet.

Page 15 of "The Cowboy and Com-Cel-Sar" featuring customer testimonials.

A page from "The Cowboy and Com-Cel-Sar" displaying customer testimonials.

An advertising pamphlet for Charlie White-Moon's "Com-Cel-Sar," a cure-all medicine made of roots and herbs. The booklet contains advertisements and testimonials about the effectiveness of the product, as well as information about how it is…

An almanac by W.H. Comstock Co. advertising their "Indian Root Pills." The pills are said to be made of vegetables, and are advertised as a cure-all for a variety of illnesses, from "female complaints" to rheumatism to kidney disease.

An almanac containing advertisements and testimonials for Burdock's Blood Bitters.

A booklet containing instructions for mothers for caring for their children. The advice in the booklet is interspersed with advertisements and testimonials for various patent medicines.

An almanac for the year 1870, part of a series of Shakespearian almanacs. This issue contains sections from Shakespeare's Seven Ages. The book contains the usual almanac information, along with quotations from Shakespeare and advertisements for…

An advertising pamphlet for "Dime Regulator" pills. The booklet contains illustrations relating to the storyline of "Billious Jones" and his ailments, which are cured by the Dime Regulators.

Ms2013-028_B1F13_Fellows Medical Monthly.pdf
An edition of a monthly medical pamphlet from 1879 detailing the "rules for the sick," from how to care for them to what to feed them.

Ms2013-028_B1F13_Physicians Essentials.pdf
An advertising pamphlet of drugs considered "Physicians Essentials." The booklet ends with the ways druggists can order drugs from the manufacturer.

Ms2013-028_B1F13_Non Multum Sed Multa.pdf
An advertising pamphlet for Kola-Cardinette in the form of an illustrated story. The booklet also includes timelines relating to medical history.

An advertising pamphlet by Pabst Brewing, seemingly a sequel to the previous one, advertising a variety of tonics through stories and customer testimonials. Contains many illustrations.

An advertising pamphlet by Pabst Brewing advertising a variety of tonics through stories and customer testimonials. Contains many illustrations.

This Virginia Health Bulletin, Vol. 14, Series 2, No. 7, November 1961 contains an annual report about blindness in Virginia. It looks at the whole state's fight against different diseases that attack the eyes.

Health Bulletin, Vol. III, No. 1, November 1938 issue from the Virginia Department of Health is an issue specifically about Piedmont Sanatorium. It showcases what the institution has to offer to patients and those interested in the nursing program.

150th_073. Help Your Boy 1917.jpg
This pamphlet put out by the United States Food Administration asks people to eat less wheat and meat so that more can be sent to the soldiers fighting in World War I.

The Fries Textile Mill oversaw the local YMCA as well, including the interior design of the building. Here, we see plans for redecorating the public spaces, dated May 24th, 1949.

The Fries Textile Mill oversaw the local YMCA as well, including the interior design of the building. Here, we see plans for redecorating the public spaces, dated May 24th, 1949.

The Fries Textile Mill oversaw the local YMCA as well, including the interior design of the building. Here, we see plans for redecorating the public spaces, dated May 24th, 1949.
Informational booklet for the 26th Annual Goddard Memorial Dinner on March 25, 1983.
Brochure for the National Spinal Cord Injury Foundation, including information on spinal cord injuries and the foundation. Also features (handwritten) Louise McKnew's contact information and several fact corrections.
Pamphlet from the Metropolitan Club detailing the services offered by the club.
Informational Pamphlet on the International Platform Association.
Excerpt from AFSC Pamphlet 70-4 regarding "AFSC Guide for Program Research and Development Announcement (PRDA)".
Post-Gemini 10 Mission Fact Sheet (291G) published by NASA's Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston, Texas. Details the events and progression of the mission.

Thanksgiving service program of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows (exact date unknown).
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