This poem is a part of the 1940 class of graduating nurses from Piedmont School of Nursing. The class poem written by M. Caroline White, talking about the experiences African American nurses have and will face in the medical field.
A letter from Mary L. Martin of Tidewater Community College, April 6, 2008, with an enclosed poem "Tears for Tech" by Martin, dated April 16, 2007. [Personal contact information has been redacted.]
A letter from Kevin M. Shea, Virginia Tech Class of 1989, dated April 21, 2008, with a poem entitled "Flower, Forest, Meadow: In memoril, 04/16/07", by Shea.
Photocopy of a poem that says, "I know you're sad and are afraid / because I see your tears. / I'll not be far, I promise that; / and I hope you'll always know / That my spirit will beclose to you, / wherever you may go. / Thank you so for Loving…