Browse Items (17 total)

  • Type is exactly "Posters"

Poster that says, "32 hearts 32 people 32 lives" and includes 31 cut-out hearts.

This small poster commemorates the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, the first international manned space mission. Published by NASA, it features an illustration of the spacecraft on the front, and information about the project on the back. The project…

Poster advertising an upcoming Lambda Horizon event. The group's campus phone number and contact information is listed on the poster.

Poster that says, "Lets go Hokies! VT Believe in what you feel! HDH Help Don't Hurt!"
Movie poster for Paramount Pictures' 1956 film The Proud and the Profane, which was adapted from Lucy Herndon Crockett's book, The Magnificent Bastards.

Illustrated poster about NASA's Space Station. It includes information on what the station will include, how it will operate, and what it will do.

One painted plywood display with law enforcement badges attached

Poster advertising the AIDS Education Forum held at Virginia Tech on march 1, 1986. (2 copies)

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This poster warns people not to enter a specific area without permission from the Board of Health becuase of the Influenza outbreak.

Lambda Horizon poster advertising the group's upcoming meeting on November 15, 1984. Handwritten notes are on the back of the poster.

Poster promoting a "'Til the Cock Crows Party" hosted by Lambda Horizon on Aril 11th (no year given on poster).

Poster offering information about Virginia Tech's gay and lesbian student group Lmabda Horizon.

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Poster includes nutrition information sheets for parents on the verso.

Poster with orange VT and photographs of chidren with their first names and messages.

Poster that says "VT We Mourn With You" and includes messages and signatures from unknown institution.

Poster with pictures of Norris Hall and a black VT ribbon, a poem, and the names of the 32 victims.
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