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This notice informs the press about times that buses will take photographers for pictures of Apollo 12 before its launch.

This press release from before the Apollo 12 launch provides information about tours of the Kennedy Space Center, Cape Kennedy Air Force Station, and other points of interest. It also provides information about available bus transportation for the…
Press Feeds from WUI Press Center aboard the USS Hornet during recovery of Columbia, July 24, 1969.
Collection of Press Releases from NASA between July 13-24, 1969.
Part 1 of 2 of the News Reference for the Apollo Mission released by NASA.
Part 2 of 2 of the News Reference for the Apollo Mission released by NASA.
State Department Press Release announcing Michael Collins' nomination to Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs.
State Department Press Release announcing Michael Collins' swearing in as Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs.

Press relese sent to local news media outlets regarding the March 1st AIDS Education Forum at Virginia Tech.

This release provides information about rescue recovery crews responsible for providing support in case of a launch site emergency during the Apollo 12 launch. The team, under command of the United States Air Force, was composed of Patrick Air Force…
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