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150th_087a. Opportunities by 4.jpg
These pages are from the Bulletin of VPI, Vol. XV, No. 6, Sept. 1922, and it advertises different opportunites that V. P. I. had for women in 1922/1923. The item focuses on opportunites within the applied sciences, but also discusses other fields…

150th_103. Dorms and HomeEc 1925.jpg
This cover from the Bulletin of VPI, Vol. XIX, No. 1, November 1925, indicates the need for funds for a new dormitory on campus, and this photo depicts the Home Economics Building, ca. 1925, which was previously the Agricultural Extension Division…

September 1922 issue of the Bulletin of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute reporting on the educational opportunities for women at VPI, including home economics, agricultural and other life sciences, engineeering, and education training, September 1,…

Front page of the engineering extension diivision newsletter, October 1, 1924.

Photograph of Kenneth Custalow, Class of 1983. Member of the Mattaponi Tribe in Eastern Virginia.

Article feature of Jim Stroh, first student representative to the Board of Visitors, from the 1984 Bugle.

Photograph depicts Cleopatra Borel-Brown, a member of the Virginia Tech Track and Field Team from the 2009 Bugle. Borel-Brown was the first female Hokie to compete at the Olympics in 2004.

This publication describes the formation of VAMC, proposed programs and system of organization in 1872. It was part of the serial the Virginia School Report (1872) to the Superintendent of Public Instruction,

The Student Handbook, or "Rat Bible", which was later named The Guidon, is a serial publication for the Corps of Cadets that outlines the rules and regulations of the organization, which was used as the student handbook for the university, 1908-1909…
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