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  • Collection: Jimmie W. Monteith, Jr. Collection, 1933-1997 (Ms1990-062)

Jimmie hopes he can get home for leave at the end of the week. War news is going well and the Russians are doing well against the Germans as well as the U.S. is against the Japanese.

Jimmie refers to himself as a "boy" who wants nothing more than to be at home with his Mother. Jimmie talks about a "Scottie dog" named Roscoe hanging around the company and about another dog named Dagwood that was brought from Sicily. Jimmie says he…

Bob tells his mother about his instructors and school. He also talks about the gas rationing that his mother is experiencing.

A letter from the Alumni Association of Virginia Polytechnic Institute regarding Mrs. Monteith donation in memory of Robert P. Monteith. Also, he expressed his sympathy for the loss of Robert.

Jimmie says that he will be in charge of the heaters and that there are some men being sent to Alabama, but thankfully he is not one of them. He remarks on his father's health and says that he is glad he is feeling better.

Bob talks about getting to Holtville, CA. He talks about getting his other half stripe and getting more responsibility for the radar equipment.

Jimmie says that everyone at the camp is in better spirits. Jimmie talks about his travels back to camp. He talks about going to an officers dinner soon. Jimmie talks about the weather and how the wildlife respond to it.

Jimmie says that the English are using as much American slang as the Americans do. Jimmie is impressed by how the English use their land. He says that he has been on special duty and able to live in a hotel for a few days. Jimmie says that while in…

Meriwether asks Nancy about the car accident. She says that David is on a destroyer escort and now she is worried about him.

Bob talks about traveling to the Portsmouth and Boston Navy Yards over the weekend. He talks about the exams he's having before he gets to go back to Richmond to see his family.

She talks about her trip to Switzerland and the affair that she had during her stay. She also talks about failing a French exam so has to take it again.

Jimmie talks about experiencing "real English weather" of rain. Jimmie talks about Roscoe, the dog, entertaining the soldiers.

Jimmie tells his mother that because of his duties, he missed the trip to Alabama. He remarks on his father's health and the fact that he's not showing improvement. He says that they had a practice air raid that night.

Jimmie talks about the weather. He has been put in charge of homing pidgeons. Jimmie will be in charge of training the new trainees in their first stage of training. Jimmie says that the prices in the officers mess hall have gone up.

Bob talks about traveling to and from Hueneme. He also talks about asking his wife to send some clothes to him.

Jimmie talks about his health being good except for a small cold while in Sicily. Jimmie says Jack's baby was born on December 16th while they were together in London.

Jack tells Mrs. Monteith that he's sorry for her loss. He talks about getting ready to move to an Island for training soon. There is also a newspaper clipping enclosed from Pattie saying that she is thinking of Mrs. Monteith.

Lt. Smith talks about his visit with Mrs. Vesty and tour of the camp Jimmie was in. There is a drawing of the camp on one of the pages.

Jimmie tells his father that a new group of men are coming in the next day which he is happy about, because he has been keeping busy doing odd jobs around camp. He's one of the company firemen (which means he inspects the furnace room daily.). Jimmie…

A newspaper clipping is attached with the headline "The Fayette Tribune Pays Tribute to E. M. Cabell." The article says that Mr. Cabell just celebrated his 82nd birthday.

Bob talks about his mother getting her car back. He talks about running problems all through the night for work.

Bob thanks his mother and Nancy for the Christmas presents.

Jimmie talks about the new men in the company and his interactions with them.

Bob tells his mother about the new instructors for his classes and the icy weather. He reflects on his mother's Christmas hosting two men who Jimmie knew.

A letter from the Commonwealth of Virginia's World War II Memorial Commission notifying her that the Memorial will be completed in about a year. He is inviting her ahead of time to the dedication ceremony as a Guest of Honor.

Isabel thanks Mrs. Monteith for sending a package to her mother. She updates her on her family.

Jimmie tells his mother that he would like for her to send candy about once every week or two. Jimmie talks about going to Palermo for pleasure and describes what he saw. He compares Palermo to Jacksonville, FL. Jimmie doesn't believe that the war…

Jimmie tells his mother that the mail is flowing smoothly again.

Jimmie says they had a parade for the regimental commander who is leaving. The new commander is Col. Golightly. Uncle Archie got engaged. Jimmie says that while the men were at the rifle range, the executive officer tried to commit suicide by…

Bob talks about the delay in sending a present for his mother and Nancy using cateyes. He talks about receiving three packages for Christmas.

Bob talks about his friend coming to visit and having dinner with him. He talks about the campaign and how he feels about it.

Jimmie tells his mother about a trip to Greenville with a friend and he finds out there are a few girls colleges that he wanted to visit a friend at one of the nearby schools. He tells her about all the people writing to him since he joined the army.

Bob talks about enjoying his day off taking a drive along the ocean and visiting Sacred Falls.

Tells his father about issues in camp with the hot temperatures, red clay soil, and hot water heater. He says that they received more clothing and rifles.

Jimmie talks about how he's been busy shipping men. He says that a soldier, Private Virgil Clark might call his mother and Nancy trying to get a date when he's nearby.

A letter from the American Red Cross expressing sympathy for the loss of Jimmie.

Informs Jimmie Monteith that he has been accepted for military service.

Jimmie says the men are about to change into winter uniforms. The men are throwing a going away party for the regimental commander, Col. Lumnis, who is being shipped off.

Bob talks about his brother, Jimmie, getting a promotion and his own assignment. He talks about his plans to bring his wife to stay for a couple weeks. He talks about traveling to Santa Barbara and Los Angeles.

Jimmie tells his mother that he went out and bought some winter clothing. He says he will likely get Christmas leave. Jimmie says that he is in charge of planning a party for all the newlyweds.

Jimmie reassures his mother that he's well and happy. He says that censorship of letters has gotten stricter, but he has received a lot of mail recently. He received the pictures of her and the rest of his family and showed them to the other…

The letters are between Henry Straker and his mother Clara. Henry talks about his service in the war. His mother talks about the issues on the homefront in England, including bombings.

Laverne, Archie's wife, notifies Mrs. Monteith of his passing

Jimmie says that work has been busy with a 10 mile hike and rifle training. He says he can't come home for Thanksgiving, but he might be able to get a Christmas furlough.

Newspaper clipping of the death of Lieut. John W. Acree, presumably the Cabell's son-in-law.
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