Browse Items (1157 total)

  • Collection: Harry Downing Temple Jr., Papers, 1872-2004 (bulk, 1930-2001) (Ms1988-039)

Front Cover.jpg
Front cover of the publication about the Pre-World War II Thanksgiving traditions at V.P.I. Cover Photo of Al Miller.

VMI Corps at Thanksgiving football game parade in Roanoke 1930 or 31.jpg
The V.M.I. Corps march in the Thanksgiving football game parade in Roanoke.

Dance at VMI, 1932 or 33.jpg
Couples make figures on the dance floor at V.M.I.'s formal dance.

VPI-VMI football game, 1933.jpg
V.P.I. and V.M.I. football game at Maher Field in Roanoke on Thanksgiving Day, 1933.

First VAMC football team to play VMI in 1894.jpg
Photograph of the V.A.M.C. football team in 1894, the first team to play against V.M.I. in the Thanksgiving game.
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