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Collection: Rick Boucher Papers (Ms2021-048)
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Oral History with Rick Boucher Part 1, June 28, 2023 (Ms2021-048)
Frederick C. Boucher, better known as Rick, was born on August 1st, 1946 in Abingdon, Virginia.
Rick's long career in law and public service was heavily influenced by his upbringing and parents. His mother, Dorothy Buck Boucher, was a pioneer of…
Rural Telephone Coop Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher to the Carolina- Virginia Telephone Association about legislation pertaining to telecommunications
Broadband Deployment Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about bringing broadband internet to consumers in the United States
Net Neutrality Remarks
Handwritten remarks given by Boucher about the a bill to regulate internet service providers
Universal Service Hearing Remarks
Handwritten remarks given by Boucher about the need for all Americans to have access to the internet
Heritage Rivers Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about the Heritage Rivers Program
Fishers Peak Remarks
Handwritten remarks made by Boucher at the opening of the Blue Ridge Music Center at Fishers Peak
Electricity Market Competition Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about the need for competition among electricity providers
Gas Uses and Pricing Statement
Marked up statement given by Boucher during an Energy and Commerce Committee hearing about gas
Global Climate Change Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about climate change
Bankruptcy Reform Bill Remarks
Handwritten remarks given by Boucher at the introduction of the 1999 Bankruptcy Reform Bill
ISP Choice Remarks
Notes for remarks on consumers having the ability to choose between internet service providers
Rural TV Remarks
Handwritten remarks given by Boucher about access to TV service in rural areas
TPN Tucson Remarks
Handwritten remarks given at a conference in internation internet adoption and use
Reciprocal Compensation Remarks
Handwritten remarks given by Boucher during committee to argue against reciprocal compensation among internet carriers
US Technology Policy Agenda Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about the plan for developing and regulating technology in the US
USTA Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about the development of broadband internet
Compulsory License Bill Statement
Statement given by Boucher about the introduction of a bill to create compulsory license rules for media
Copyright Statement
Statement given by Boucher about proposed modifications to patent length
Commission on the Future of Southwest Virginia Statement
Statement given by Boucher about the creation of a commission to help develop the region
Virginia Creeper Trail Statement
Statement given by Boucher about developing ecological tourism in the region
Class Action Law Reform Statement
Handwritten statement given by Boucher on the House Floor about changes to Class Action Law
Blacksburg Electronic Village Statement
Statement given by Boucher about developing electronic spaces for community members
Media Institute Agenda Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about the future of media
Satelite Home Viewer Act Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about consumer satelite dish service
Local Into Local Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about access to cable in homes
MOCA Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about music online
Digital TV Transition Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher at CEA about the switchover from analog to digital TV
Broadband Plan Hearing Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about a proposed plan for broadband internet
Plug and Play Speech
Speech given by Boucher about the necessity for cable box installation to be simplified
Fiber to the Home Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about a program intended to bring fiber optic lines to Southwest Virginia homes
Rules for Telecommunication Companies Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher outlining rules that telecommunications companies must follow
Wilderness Bill Statement
Handwritten statement given by Boucher about a piece of legislation meant to protect wilderness areas
Wilderness Hearing Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about protected wilderness areas in Southwest Virginia
Southwest Virginia Tourism Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about increasing tourism to the area
Magazine Publishers Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher to a meeting of magazine publishers
Blue Ridge Parkway 75th Anniversary Speech
Speech given by Boucher celebrating the Blue Ridge Parkway
Advanced Metering Statement
Statement given by Boucher on the use of advanced electricity metering for consumers
Patent Reform Statement
Handwritten statement by Boucher about patent law reform
Smart Grid Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about the development of a smart grid system
Fair Use and the DMCA Remarks
Handwritten remarks given by Boucher about the effects of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act on fair use
Digital Millenium Copyright Act Speech
A handwritten speech given by Boucher about the DMCA and its effects
Coal and Climate Change Speech
A speech given by Boucher about the future of the coal industry
Fair Use Bill Statement
A statement given by Boucher in support of fair use exemptions to copyright law
Out-Of-State Waste Statement
A statement given by Boucher about the possibility of importing waste from other states
Lee County Prison Statement
A marked up draft of a statement given by Boucher announcing the building of a new federal prison in Lee County
Energy Summit Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher at a summit on energy sources
EEI Conference Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher at an EEI Conference
ERRI Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about ERRI
Digital Fair Use Statement
Marked up statement given by Boucher about fair use in digital media
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