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Collection: Rick Boucher Papers (Ms2021-048)
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Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Boucher, Madison Marye, and Dick Bagley cut a ribbon during a Showcasing Southwest Virginia tour
Rules for Telecommunication Companies Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher outlining rules that telecommunications companies must follow
Rural Telephone Coop Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher to the Carolina- Virginia Telephone Association about legislation pertaining to telecommunications
Rural TV Remarks
Handwritten remarks given by Boucher about access to TV service in rural areas
Satelite Home Viewer Act Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about consumer satelite dish service
Snapshot taken of Boucher at a seminar in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Shell Building Announcement
Boucher and J.K. Liddle of the Grayson County Board of Supervisors announce money for a new building project on the county
Showcasing Southwest Virginia
Boucher speaks to Pulaski County citizens during a tour to showcase Southwest Virginia
Signed Photo
Boucher stands with two other men in a photo opportunity
Smart Grid Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about the development of a smart grid system
Smart Road Statement
Statement given by Boucher about the Smart Road at Virginia Tech
South Pole Station Sign
Picture from Boucher's visit to the NSF South Pole Research Station
Southwest Virginia Tourism Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about increasing tourism to the area
State Senate Campaign
Boucher speaks with a woman as part of his State Senate Campaign
State Senate Campaign
Boucher speaks to a man during his State Senate campaign
State Senate Campaign
Boucher speaks to a man during his State Senate campaign
State Senate Campaign
Boucher speaks to two men during his State Senate campaign
State Senate Campaign
Boucher gives a speech while Andrew Pickens Miller, attorney general of Virginia, sits nearby
State Senate Campaign in Scott County
Boucher speaks to Scott County residents
State Senate Campaign in Scott County
Boucher speaks to a store owner
State Senate Campaign in Scott County
Boucher shakes hands with a store owner
State Senate Campaign in Scott County
Boucher speaks to workers
State Senate Campaign in Scott County
Boucher speaks to a grocery shopper
State Senate Campaign in Scott County
Boucher shakes hands with a store owner
Statement on The Communications Competitiveness and Infrastructure Modernization Act of 1993.
Boucher introduced The Communications Competitiveness and Infrastructure Modernization Act of 1993.
Telecommunications Statement
Statement given by Boucher showing his support for electric utilities being allowed on the internet
Telemedicine Project
Statement given by Boucher about a new telemedicine project in Southwest Virginia
Tobacco Farmers
Boucher speaks with tobacco farmers, Tom White and Deward Arrington, on a visit in Washington County.
Tourism in Southwest Virginia
Rex McCarty and Boucher visit Pioneer Village in Scott County
Town Meeting
Boucher speaks at a town meeting
Town Meeting
Boucher speaks at a town meeting in Scott county while campaigning for State Senate
Town Meeting
Boucher speaks to a town meeting
Town Meeting
Boucher leaves a town meeting
TPN Tucson Remarks
Handwritten remarks given at a conference in internation internet adoption and use
Transatlantic Policy Network
Boucher and Goodlatte pose with Elly Plooij-van Gorsel, a member of the European Parliament
Trip to California
Boucher on a trip to California to look at their energy grid
TV Appearance
Boucher and Madison Marye sit on a stage during a TV appearance in Roanoke, Virginia
Universal Service Hearing Remarks
Handwritten remarks given by Boucher about the need for all Americans to have access to the internet
US Technology Policy Agenda Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about the plan for developing and regulating technology in the US
USTA Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about the development of broadband internet
Veterinary School Speech
Speech given by Boucher to a veterinary school
Virginia Creeper Trail Statement
Statement given by Boucher about developing ecological tourism in the region
Western Factory Visit
Boucher visits a factory in a coal producing county in Southwest Virginia as part of his congressional campaign
Whitetop Station Groundbreaking Statement
Statement given by Boucher about the building of the Whitetop Station
Wilderness Bill Statement
Handwritten statement given by Boucher about a piece of legislation meant to protect wilderness areas
Wilderness Hearing Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher about protected wilderness areas in Southwest Virginia
Wytheville Radio Interview
Boucher gives an interview on WYVE radio
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