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  • Collection: Donald K. "Deke" Slayton Collection, 1974-1979, 1995 (Ms2023-058)

This black and white illustration is an artist's conception of the Soviet and American spacecraft guiding in to rendezvous in the first international manned space mission.

This small poster commemorates the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, the first international manned space mission. Published by NASA, it features an illustration of the spacecraft on the front, and information about the project on the back. The project…

Menu for the American astronauts during the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Mission. The menu was calculated to provide an appropriate number of calories each day. It also details how each food is packaged.

Baseline food list for the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. These foods would have been sent with the astronauts for their mission.

Transcripts of the radio communication between the command module and the Apollo-Soyuz teams.

Published by NASA, this pamphlet is one of a series of nine curriculum-related pamphlets for teachers and students of space science.

This pamphlet celebrates the 15th anniversary of the joint USA-USSR Space Mission, Apollo-Soyuz. The pamphlet includes the story of the project, an event program, and thanks to contributors and sponsors.
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