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Collection: Norfolk and Western Historical Photograph Collection
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City Hall and Portion of Civic Center, Baltimore, Maryland
City Hall and Portion of Civic Center, Baltimore, Maryland
City Hall in Columbus, Ohio
City Hall in Columbus, Ohio
City of Roanoke from Mill Mountain
City of Roanoke from Mill Mountain
City of Roanoke from Mill Mountain
City of Roanoke from Mill Mountain
City Park Lake in Hagerstown, Maryland
City Park Lake in Hagerstown, Maryland
City Point Freight Station
City Point Freight Station
City Ticket Office, Norfolk, Virginia
City Ticket Office, Norfolk, Virginia
Civil Engineering, University of Cincinnati
Civil Engineering, University of Cincinnati
Civil War,Confederacy,Virginia, Historic Sites, Cabin, General Lee, Headquarters
Civil War,Confederacy,Virginia, Historic Sites, Cabin, General Lee, Headquarters
Claim Division Convention of A.R.A., Norfolk, Virginia
Claim Division Convention of A.R.A., Norfolk, Virginia
Claire, Ohio, Y.M.C.A. Building
Claire, Ohio, Y.M.C.A. Building
Clare Yards, Ohio
Clare Yards, Ohio
Clare Yards, Ohio
Clare Yards, Ohio
Clare Yards, Ohio
Clare Yards, Ohio
Clare, Ohio
Clare, Ohio
Clarkton Combination Station
Clarkton Combination Station
Class 0-7 Steam Engine No.3
Class 0-7 Steam Engine No.3
Class 11-a Hopper Car No.92000
Class 11-a Hopper Car No.92000
Class 2-1 A, Steam engine, #1447
Class 2-1 A, Steam engine, #1447
Class A Locomotive
Class A Locomotive
Class A Locomotive 1200
Class A Locomotive 1200
Class A Locomotive 1200
Class A Locomotive 1200
Class A Locomotive 1200
Class A Locomotive 1200
Class A Locomotive 1200
Class A Locomotive 1200
Class A Locomotive Frame
Class A Locomotive Frame
Class A Locomotive Frame
Class A Locomotive Frame
Class A Locomotive in Erecting Shop
Class A Locomotive in Erecting Shop
Class A Locomotive in Erecting Shop, Roanoke, Virginia
Class A Locomotive in Erecting Shop, Roanoke, Virginia
Class A Locomotive No. 1200
Class A Locomotive No. 1200
Class A Locomotive pulling a Norfolk & Western merchandise freight train
Class A Locomotive pulling a Norfolk & Western merchandise freight train
Class A Locomotive Steam Engine No.1200
Class A Locomotive Steam Engine No.1200
Class A locomotive, 1200, in shop
Class A locomotive, 1200, in shop
Class A locomotive, 1212, left side view
Class A locomotive, 1212, left side view
Class A locomotive, 1212, side view
Class A locomotive, 1212, side view
Class A Locomotive, Boiler Shop, Roanoke Shops, Roanoke,Virginia
Class A Locomotive, Boiler Shop, Roanoke Shops, Roanoke,Virginia
Class A Locomotive, Boiler Shop, Roanoke, Virginia
Class A Locomotive, Boiler Shop, Roanoke, Virginia
Class A steam engine 1200 pulling merchandise train
Class A steam engine 1200 pulling merchandise train
Class A Steam Engine Locomotive
Class A Steam Engine Locomotive
Class A-25 Refrigerator Car No.503
Class A-25 Refrigerator Car No.503
Class A-25 Refrigerator Car No.504
Class A-25 Refrigerator Car No.504
Class A, Engine #604 with flag
Class A, Engine #604 with flag
Class A, Locomotive 107-K1 Converted to Oil Burner
Class A, Locomotive 107-K1 Converted to Oil Burner
Class A, Locomotive 1201
Class A, Locomotive 1201
Class A, Locomotive 1212
Class A, Locomotive 1212
Class A, Steam Engine 1203, new pilot
Class A, Steam Engine 1203, new pilot
Class A, Steam Engine 90
Class A, Steam Engine 90
Class AG Steam Engine 900
Class AG Steam Engine 900
Class B-1 Box Car No.46335
Class B-1 Box Car No.46335
Class B-10 Box Car
Class B-10 Box Car
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