Browse Items (89 total)

  • Collection: Insurance Survey of Virginia Polytechnic Institute Records, 1931 (Ms1995-029)

This is a three story, basement and attic brick building, slate roof; floor is wood on wood beams, semi-mill construction with tile laid on wood in hallways. Metal lath and plaster partitions. Central steam heat.

This is a two and a half story and basement brick veneer building with tin roof. Wood floors; steam heat; dining room and kitchen on first floor.

Two story and basement brick veneer building with asbestos shingle roof; steam heat; sleeping rooms and parlors only.

This building was formerly Old Gymnasium. One Story and attic and part basement frame building, composition roof. Building consists of one large room now used as dance hall. Central steam heat. Basement contains storage of electrical supplies, also…

Two story brick building with stone foundations, wood joist floors and roof - tin covered. Building contains power laundry machinery with steam heated wood dryer.

This is a one story brick building, no basement, tin roof on boards on wood joist, wood trusses; concrete floor. Stove heat with brick chimney supported on attic floor joist. Also noted: Military laboratory - The building, referred to under this…

This is a two story and basement brick building with slate roof; wood joist floors except in new addition which has steel joist. Central steam heat. There is an X-ray machine on first floor, but there is no operating room.

This is a one and two story stone building, slate roof. Floors are wood and books are kept on wooden shelves.

Two story and basement stone building, with tin roof; wood floors; centeral steam heat. Building used for offices

This is a one and two story brick and frame building, tin roof; wood floors and wood lath and plaster finish. Steam heat from low pressure steam boiler in basement. Occupied by Home Economics Department with Domestic Science Room in frame section,…

Building consists of one story frame building with tin roof used for potting and storage of supplies. Central steam heat. There are also six greenhouses with glass in wood and metal frames.

This is a two story frame building with tin roof, ordinary wood floors, wood sheathed walls and ceiling. Central steam heat. Used as veterinary hospital.

This is a two and one story frame cow bard with tin roof. Concrete first floor; electric lights; two frame silos.

This is a large frame barn with tin roof; there is a small one story frame milk house adjoining with concrete floor and tin roof, this contains high pressure steam boiler with brick chimney. There is one frame silo and two concrete silos. Thee is…

This is a photograph of a barn on the campus of Virginia Agricultrual and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Insititute.

This is a two story frame building with tin rood; second floor is used for storage of grain. First floor is used for storage of farm machinery, also contains blacksmith shop with hand forge. There is also a coal stove in this building with brick…

This is a one story and basement frame building with tin roof; first floor contains four rows of benches from which stock is judged; basement contains five stalls and a pipeless furnace. Building is electric lighted.

This is a two story frame building with wood shingle roof; horse stalls first floor, hay loft second. Electric lights. Two metal corn cribs near end of building.

This is a two story frame building with tin roof; used for storage of experimental crops. Electric lights.

This is a one and two story frame building with tin roof; one sory section used for storage purposes.

This is a one and two story frame building with a tin roof; second floor used for storage of feed and hay. Electric lighted; there is one frame silo

One story frame, wood shingle roof building; one section of roof is tin covered. Building used for storage of plumbers supplies and one automobile truck. Electric lights and no heat.

Two-storyframe building, tin roof. Central steam heat; electric light; no basement. Occupied by College tailors for manufacture and repairing uniforms

There are nine chicken houses and about twenty small brooder houses; all of these are frame with composition roofs.

This is a two-story and basement frame building with concrete wall to first floor and a tin roof. Electric lighted; hot water heat.

Frame building with wood shingle roof; contains electric driven apple sorting machine.

2 one-story frame buildings with either tin or composition roof. B- Apple Storage Building, C- Storage of Matresses, Building is new & in good condition with small basement open on one side.

4 frame buildings wih tin or composition roof. labeled C-F, C- Storage of Matresses, Building is new & in good condition with small basement open on one side. D- Used for storage of beds, chairs, etc. It is two stories in height. E- Stable, This is a…

5 one-story buildings labeled D-J, Stone or wooden with metal roofing

This is a one, two, and three story limestone building with fire resistive floors and roof. Roof of two and three sections is concrete tile on steel beams; roof of one story section is sheet rock on steel purlins on steel trusses. Central Steam heat.…

This is a fire resistive building with exception of roof of gymnasium which is plank on steel purlins on steel trusses. Walls are faced with limestone backed with brick. Floors and roof of front section, which is three stories in height, are…

This is a three story and basement fire resistive building faced with 8" of limestone backed with 8" of brick. Building has steel frame with concrete slab. Tile partitions; central steam heat. Building contains large electrical laboratories; drafting…

This is a large one story fire resistive building with the exception of small section at front end which has wooden roof, slate covered. Exterior walls are limestone; roof reinforced concrete; interior division walls are brick and cinder block.

This is a fire resistive building having steel frame and brick panel walls; concrete roof on steel trusses. Outside brick stack 180 ft high, which is equipped with lighning rod. There are two 250 horse power and two 350 horse power boilers, coal…

This is a four story and basement brick building with slate roof on wood joist; floors are fire resistive, being concrete in hallways and wood on steel joist in dormitory rooms. Interior brick walls each side of hall and 4" gypsum partitions between…

This building is fire resistive except roof, walls are stone backed with 8" hallow tile; floors are concrete metal lumber construction; roof ordinary wood joist slate convered. Room partitions are 4" gypsum block. There is no basement; central steam…

This building was built on the foundations of the old boiler plant and is a one story and basement brick building with steel columns supporting roof, which is plank on steel beams. Floor is reinforced concrete. Tile partitions; central steam heat.…

This is a fire resistive building, three stories and basement with stone walls backed with 8" of brick; reinforced concrete floors and roof. Brick and tile partitions.

PDF of full insurance survey of the buildings of Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia, prepared in 1931 by Charles Lunsford & Sons, Roanoke, Va.; Insurance Company of North America, Philadelphia, Pa.; and F. Wharton Baker, engineer.…
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