Browse Items (89 total)

  • Collection: Insurance Survey of Virginia Polytechnic Institute Records, 1931 (Ms1995-029)

This is a two story frame dwelling with a tin roof and stove heat.

This is a two story frame dwelling with tin roof, steam heat.

This is a two story frame dwelling with a tin roof and steam heat.

This is a two story frame dwelling with tin roof; steam heat.

This is a two story frame, tin roof dwelling with stove heat. "Solitude" noted at the bottom.

This is a two story brick dwelling with tin roof and steam heat; one story frame addition.

This is a one and a half story frame dwelling with a composition shingle roof and steam heat.

This is a two and a half story brick veneer dwelling with tin roof, steam heat.

This is a two story frame dwelling with tin roof and steam heat.

This is a two story brick dwelling with tin roof and steam heat. Frame addition in rear.

This is a two story frame, tin roof dwelling with steam heat.

This is a one story frame dwelling with wood shingle roof, steam heat. Additional notes: Building No. 2 frame dwelling formerly wood shingle roog now has composition shingle roof. Fireproof. Located near Davidson Hall.

This is a two story frame dwelling with tin roof, stone foundation. Steam heat.

This is a two story frame dwelling with wood shingle roof and steam heat.

Two story frame dwelling with brick addition, a tin roof, and steam heat.

This is a two story frame dwelling with an abestos shingle roof and steam heat.

This is a two story frame dwelling with tin roof, Arcola Heater in kitchen.

This is a two story brick dwelling with tin roof and steam heat; two frame additions.

This is a one and two story frame dwelling with stone foundations, tin roof; steam heat.

This is a two story brick dwelling with slate and tin roof, steam heat.

This is a one and a half story and basement frame dwelling with wood shingle roof, steam heat.

This is a two-car brick garage, with slate roof, cement floor; no heat; electric light

This is a two and a half story and basement brick dwelling with slate roof.

This is a one and half story brick veneer dwelling with a composition shingle roof and pipeless heater

This is a two story frame dwelling with tin roof, steam heat from central plant.

This is a one story brick building with a wood joist roof, tin covered. Central Steam Heat

This is a three story, basement and attic brick building with wood floors, wood lath and plaster finish, tin roof. Central Steam heat.

PDF of full insurance survey of the buildings of Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia, prepared in 1931 by Charles Lunsford & Sons, Roanoke, Va.; Insurance Company of North America, Philadelphia, Pa.; and F. Wharton Baker, engineer.…

This is a one story frame dwelling with a tin roof and stove heat.

Two story frame dwelling with tin roof; stove heat.

Three story and part basement stone building, gravel roof on wood joist; wood floors, wire lath and plaster finish. One story stone passageway with concrete floor and wood roof connected this building with Agricultural Hall.

This is a one and two story brick veneer dwelling with tin roof and steam heat.

This is a one story frame dwelling with a brick foundation, a tin roof, and steam heat.

This is a two story brick dwelling with tin roof, steam heat.

This is a two story brick veneer, dwelling with tin roof and steam heat.

This is a two story brick dwelling with tin roof and steam heat.

This is a three story stucco dwelling with shingle roof, wood heat

This is a one and a half story frame dwelling with a wood shingle roof and steam heat.

These are two story frame dwellings with tin roof; stove heat.

One story frame dwelling with tin roof; pipeless heater.

This is a two story brick dwelling with tin roof and steam heat from central plant; two frame additions.

This is a two story frame dwelling with tin roof; stove heat.

This is a fire resistive building, three stories and basement with stone walls backed with 8" of brick; reinforced concrete floors and roof. Brick and tile partitions.

This building was built on the foundations of the old boiler plant and is a one story and basement brick building with steel columns supporting roof, which is plank on steel beams. Floor is reinforced concrete. Tile partitions; central steam heat.…

This building is fire resistive except roof, walls are stone backed with 8" hallow tile; floors are concrete metal lumber construction; roof ordinary wood joist slate convered. Room partitions are 4" gypsum block. There is no basement; central steam…

This is a four story and basement brick building with slate roof on wood joist; floors are fire resistive, being concrete in hallways and wood on steel joist in dormitory rooms. Interior brick walls each side of hall and 4" gypsum partitions between…

This is a fire resistive building having steel frame and brick panel walls; concrete roof on steel trusses. Outside brick stack 180 ft high, which is equipped with lighning rod. There are two 250 horse power and two 350 horse power boilers, coal…

This is a large one story fire resistive building with the exception of small section at front end which has wooden roof, slate covered. Exterior walls are limestone; roof reinforced concrete; interior division walls are brick and cinder block.

This is a three story and basement fire resistive building faced with 8" of limestone backed with 8" of brick. Building has steel frame with concrete slab. Tile partitions; central steam heat. Building contains large electrical laboratories; drafting…

This is a fire resistive building with exception of roof of gymnasium which is plank on steel purlins on steel trusses. Walls are faced with limestone backed with brick. Floors and roof of front section, which is three stories in height, are…
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