This is a one story frame dwelling with wood shingle roof, steam heat. Additional notes: Building No. 2 frame dwelling formerly wood shingle roog now has composition shingle roof. Fireproof. Located near Davidson Hall.
This is a three story, basement and attic stone building, slate roof, ordinary wood floors, wood lath and plaster finish. There are brick interior partition walls each side of hallway and each side of stairway. Central Steam heat.
This is a two story frame stuccoed building with composition shingle roof, ordinary wood floors and steam heater in basement. It was not being used at time of our inspection but was being refinished and after November 1st, 1931 will be occupied by…
One story frame, composition roof building, concrete floor; steam heat and low pressure steam boiler. Building is used for the storage and demonstration of farm machinery.
Three story and part basement stone building, gravel roof on wood joist; wood floors, wire lath and plaster finish. One story stone passageway with concrete floor and wood roof connected this building with Agricultural Hall.
This is a three story and basement brick building with slate roof; wood floors, four interior brick division walls, remaining partitions wood lath and plaster. Central steam heat.
This is a three story brick building with odrinary wood floors, wood roof tin covered; no basement. Divided on all floors by four brick division walls which separates building into five sections. These division walls, however, do not extend above the…
These are four story and basement brick buildings, wood joist floors and roof - slate covered. Floors in halls are concrete; all partitions brick. Two hose reels in basement of #5.