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Collection: Rebecca Wood Watkin Architectural Collection, 1940-1989, 2011 (Ms1995-009)
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Residence in Kentfield, California
Black and white photography of a house with trees surrounding it.
Residence in Kentfield, California: backyard
Black and white photograph of a house's back porch with plant life surronding it.
Residence in Kentfield, California: campfire
Black and white photograph of an outdoor space outside the house with a roaring fire pitt. You can also see the house in the back of the photograph lit up.
Residence in Kentfield, California: den
Black and white photograph of a den/living room in the house.
Residence in Kentfield, California: dinning area
Black and white photograph of the open space between the den/living room and the dinning area.
Residence in Kentfield, California: exterior view of the huge windows
Black and white photograph outside the house. It showcases the roof a little bit and the huge windows.
Residence in Kentfield, California: fencing
Black and white photograph of part the outdoor space of the house. It seems to have a wooden privacy wall.
Residence in Kentfield, California: frontyard
Black and white photograph of a house with a huge tree in front of it.
Residence in Kentfield, California: indoor fireplace in the library
Black and white photograph of a room in the house that has books and a chessboard in it. It also has chairs in front of a roaring fireplace.
Residence in Kentfield, California: interior view of the huge windows
Black and white photograph inside of a home. The photograph is spotlighting the huge windows in the room.
Residence in Kentfield, California: interior view of the living overlooking the patio
Black and white photograph of the den/living room that highlights the huge windows.
Residence in Kentfield, California: kitchen
Black and white photograph of the kitchen.
Residence in Kentfield, California: library
Black and white photograph room in the house that has books and a chessboard in it.
Residence in Kentfield, California: living room
Black and white photograph inside a home. The room has a piano, seating arrangements, etc.
Residence in Kentfield, California: office
Black and white photograph of a office space inside the house.
Residence in Kentfield, California: outside eating area
Black and white photograph of an outdoor eating area.
Residence in Kentfield, California: patio awning
Black and white photograph of the outside patio area with a structure hanging off the roof.
Residence in Kentfield, California: patio view
Black and white photograph of the outside patio.
Residence in Kentfield, California: sitting area
Black and white photograph with a higher perspective of the den/living room.
Residence in Kentfield, California: view of the backyard from the library
Black and white photograph with a different view in the room in the house that has books and a chessboard in it.
Residence in Kentfield, California: view of the outdoor eating area from the dinning area
Black and white photograph of the outdoor patio through the dinning room.
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