Jimmie talks about his finances and the 119th moving out to bivouac for 10 days. He says that there is a nearby lake that he has been able to go swimming in.
Jimmie says that they marched and they had good weather for it. He talks again about his finances and asks his mother to see which checks are outstanding in his account.
Jimmie is in Jacksonville for a vacation. He says that he is hoping to transfer into the 30th division from the 119th. He needs her to send money to move again and for his time in Jacksonville.
Jimmie tells his mother that he is waiting for further orders on his transfer. Jimmie went to the dog races in Jacksonville. He says that wild hogs run around everywhere in Florida.
Jimmie says he is at port of embarkation and that they shouldn't worry about him. He says that he saw New York, but very little as he travelled through.
Jimmie says that it has been steadily raining for several days in North Africa and he has had "a regular engineering project" to drain the water. He tells a story about a soldier and an arab boy trying to make a deal over a knife.
Jimmie has arrived in Sicily. He talks about the welcoming that the Italians gave the Americans. He is worried about his finances and hid paycheck getting put in the bank.
Jimmie talks about his old friends in the 16th Infantry. Jimmie says that some of the American men sang a war song for the French who seemed to enjoy it.
Jimmie tells his mother that he would like for her to send candy about once every week or two. Jimmie talks about going to Palermo for pleasure and describes what he saw. He compares Palermo to Jacksonville, FL. Jimmie doesn't believe that the war…
Jimmie reassures his mother that he's well and happy. He says that censorship of letters has gotten stricter, but he has received a lot of mail recently. He received the pictures of her and the rest of his family and showed them to the other…
Jimmie talks about being the mail censor and having to take time reading over the men's letters. Jimmie says that he heard that coal was hard to get back in the States. Jimmie says he's living in a building for the first time since Camp Croft.
Jimmie talks about the history of the 16th infantry. Jimmie thinks that this is the last Christmas he won't be home for. He talks about the reasoning for censorship.
Jimmie talks about the news from the Richmond Times-Dispatch in regard to labor strikes in the U.S. trying to raise their wages. He says that Americans at home don't really know there is a war going on if they aren't directly connected by it. He says…
Jimmie tells his sister that he's been reading the book "Without Orders" from his "Pocket Entertainer". He talks about the other literature that is included in it. He talks about the officers all sharing candy from home with each other.
Jimmie talks about how the English are being so kind to him, inviting him to dinner for Christmas. He talks about his three days with his friend Jack Rich in London. Jimmy talks about going to see a musical show called "Strike a New Note." Jimmie…
Jimmie says that mail has been very slow. Jimmie talks about his busy holiday going to meals and parties in London. Jimmie hears of General George Patton getting publicity, but says that Allen and Roosevelt should also get some credit as heroes.
Jimmie refers to himself as a "boy" who wants nothing more than to be at home with his Mother. Jimmie talks about a "Scottie dog" named Roscoe hanging around the company and about another dog named Dagwood that was brought from Sicily. Jimmie says he…
Jimmie says that the English are using as much American slang as the Americans do. Jimmie is impressed by how the English use their land. He says that he has been on special duty and able to live in a hotel for a few days. Jimmie says that while in…
Jimmie talks about his health being good except for a small cold while in Sicily. Jimmie says Jack's baby was born on December 16th while they were together in London.
Jimmie talks about having a battalion dance for the officers. He mentions having been to Troina and Randazzio and lists the officers' names who were mentioned in the papers while in these two places.
Jimmie talks about high prices of everything in different parts of the world. Jimmie talks about his friend Henry J. who was deferred until his baby was born. Jimmie believes the army is helping more people than it is hurting, making them better men.…
Jimmie says that they have been working hard without many leaves. Jimmie talks about his friend Johney who is one of the best 81 mm motor men in the army. Jimmie includes pictures from his time in Sicily.
Jimmie says that the men are playing baseball in the spring weather. He says that he planned on going to a movie and then listening to Churchhill's speech.
Jimmie said the movie he went to see was "Sweet Rosie O'Grady." Jimmie says that he prefers American girls to English girls. He tells a story about a cow chasing him through a field. Jimmie asks his mother not to worry about him.
Jimmie talks about England and the kindness of the people there. Jimmie has been overseas for one year on this date. He tells of the good weather to play baseball in.
Jimmie talks about the pictures that he received from Nancy in Florida. He talks about animals in Africa and Sicily. He tries to reassure his mother not to worry about the news in the papers and on the radio.
Jimmie tells his mother not to worry about him and his brother, Bob. He talks about news he heard in the Stars and Stripes of a strike at the Packard Motor Company. He says that the fact that his mother and Nancy have to cut the grass makes him…
Jimmie tells his mother that his friend Clyde is a prisoner of war captured by the Germans in Tunisia along with a complete battalion of the 16th who they then recaptured later on. He says that Germans are good to their prisoners.
Jimmie tells his father that none of the men know their standings which he thinks is to keep them on their toes. He talks about his tactics course and a river crossing demonstration that he saw. He encloses pictures that his friend Otey took.