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Chattanooga, TN; Cattanooga Ringgold Campaign, 1863-1864
Chattanooga, TN; Cattanooga Ringgold Campaign, 1863-1864
Cheaspeake Beach Station
Cheaspeake Beach Station
Check for pension, paid under Confederate Pension Law of Virginia, August 31, 1912
Stephen Smith Confederate pension check from 1912.
Cheds Department Store
The outside of Cheds Discount Dept. Store, 7 cars in the parking lot infront of the store
Cheerleader, the 1978 Bugle, pg 24
Cheerleaders at VPI
Bill Bowen, Lee Ellis, and G. A. Wood
Cheerleaders at VPI
Left to Right: Jimmy Taylor, Bill Sydnor, Garland Wood, Cecil Fuller, and Bob Fulton
Cheerleaders on the Town Hall Stairs (Ms1898-039)
A photograph of four cheerleaders from Fries Hish School, posing on the stairs to the Town Hall.
Cheerleading Team, the 1981 Bugle, pg 154
CheerLeading, The 1981 Bugle, pg138
CheerLeading, The 1981 Bugle, pg154
Cheese boxes
Color image.
Cheese cutter
Color image.
Chef Raper and Chef Jud during demonstration
Chef Raper and Chef Jud during demonstration
Chef Albert and Sandy Bosworth watching demonstration
Chef Albert and Sandy Bosworth watching demonstration
Chef Billie Raper visits with guests during registration [focus?]
Chef Billie Raper visits with guests during registration [focus?]
Chef Billie Raper vist with guests during Registration
Chef Billie Raper vist with guests during Registration
Chef on Dining Car
Chef on Dining Car
Chef Raper and Chef Jud during demonstration
Chef Raper and Chef Jud during demonstration
Chef Raper at demonstration table plus camera and screen
Chef Raper at demonstration table plus camera and screen
Chef Raper at demonstration table plus camera and screen
Chef Raper at demonstration table plus camera and screen
Chef Raper at demonstration table with guests
Chef Raper at demonstration table with guests
Chef Raper demonstrates using camera and screen
Chef Raper demonstrates using camera and screen
Chemical Weighing Room
Chemical Weighing Room
Chemist Notice, Roberts and Co., Paris, n.d.
Chemistry Building at V.P.I., Blacksburg, Virginia
Chemistry Building at V.P.I., Blacksburg, Virginia
Chemistry Building at V.P.I., Blacksburg, Virginia
Chemistry Building at V.P.I., Blacksburg, Virginia
Chemistry Laboratory, Virginia Tech campus
Chemistry Laboratory, Virginia Tech campus
Chemistry Laboratory, Virginia Tech campus
Chemistry Laboratory, Virginia Tech campus
Chemistry of Food and Nutrition
454 pages
Chemistry of Food and Nutrition
355 pages
Cherokee, North Carolina, Frontier Land Amusement Park
Cherokee, North Carolina, Frontier Land Amusement Park
Chester Palmer
Chester Palmer
Chester, England
Chester, England
Chestnut Grove School. Steve Kessler. Built in 1911.
Chestnut Grove School: a now dilapidated, one-room wooden schoolhouse. Owned by Steve Kessler, built in 1911
Chicago's World Fair
Chicago's World Fair
Chickamauga Campaign, Brown's Ferry, Chattanooga, 1863-1864
Chickamauga Campaign, Brown's Ferry, Chattanooga, 1863-1864
Chickamauga, Knoxville, Atlanta Campaigns, 1863-1864
Chickamauga, Knoxville, Atlanta Campaigns, 1863-1864
Chickamauga, Turkeytown Valley, Alabama, 1863-1864
Chickamauga, Turkeytown Valley, Alabama, 1863-1864
Chief Benge Falls near Bristol, VA
Chief Benge Falls near Bristol, VA
Chief lineman, Amos Hyland, going places on his "Armstrong Speeder"
Chief lineman, Amos Hyland, going places on his "Armstrong Speeder"
Child Gathering Berries
Child Gathering Berries
Child in posed photograph
Photograph of an unidentified child.
Child in posed photograph
Photograph of an unidentified child.
Child leaving with books from the Bookmobile
Child leaving with books from the Bookmobile
Child on steps with jug
Child on steps with jug
Child participant in Metabolic Study at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Image of an unidentified child study participant eating at a table.
Child Playing in Tree
Child Playing in Tree
Child reading by firelight
Child reading by firelight
Child standing on a chair in posed photograph
Photograph of an unidentified child.
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