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Reservoir for water supply at Schaffers Crossing
Neg. no. 4788
Reservoir for water supply at Schaffers Crossing
Neg. no. 4789
Reservoir for water supply at Schaffers Crossing
Neg. no. 4790
Locomotive No. 2040 with coal train
Neg. no. 4794.Test train of 70 high side loaded hopper cars. Norfolk and Western Dynamometer car directly behind locomotive. Class Y-3 with 2-8-8-0 wheel arrangement.
Locomotive with coal train
Neg. No. 4393
Coal train at Potts Valley Junction
Neg. No. 4793
Coal train at Potts Valley Junction
Neg. no 4796
Coal train at Potts Valley Junction
Neg. 4793A
Coal train at Potts Valley Junction
Neg. no. 4797
no negative number
Coal train at Elliston, Virginia
Neg. no. 4799
Test coal train engine 2040 at Elliston, Virginia
Neg. no. 4800
Pigeon Creek line
Neg. no. 4801
Pigeon Creek Line
Neg. No. 4802
Pigeon Creek Line
Neg. no. 4803
Pigeon Creek line
Neg. no. 4804
Pigeon Creek line
Neg. no. 4085
Pigeon Creek branch line
Negative number 4806
Pigeon Creek branch line
Negative number 4807
Pigeon Creek branch line
Negative number 4808
Pigeon Creek branch line
Negative number 4809
Pigeon Creek branch line
Negative number 4810
Pigeon Creek branch line
Negative number 4811
Pigeon Creek branch line
Neg. no. 4812
General office building [Norfolk and Western]
Neg. no. 4684
Negative no. 118
Negative No. C-270
Low water alarm
Negative no. 1248
Farm scene, Roanoke Valley, Virginia
Neg. no. 1435
Passenger train parked by electric [tow?]
Neg. No. 1557
Light house at Cape Henry, Virginia
Negative no. 1607
Wheat field near Berryville, Virginia
Negative no. 1763
Wheat field near Berryville, Virginia
Negative number 1763
Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, Virginia
Neg. no. 3101
Apple orchard scene
Neg. No. 3786
3/4 view locomotive 1700
Neg. No. 4159A.
Locomotive 1700
no negative number
Railroad line, Neg. No 4813
Neg. No. 4813
Railroad line, Neg. No. 4814
Railroad line, Neg. No. 4814
Railroad line, Neg. No. 4815
Railroad line, Neg. No. 4815
Railroad line, Neg. No. 4816
Railroad line, Neg. No. 4816
Railroad line, Neg. No.4817
Railroad line, Neg. No.4817
Railroad line, Neg. No. 4819
Railroad line, Neg. No. 4819
Railroad line, Neg. No. 4820
Railroad line, Neg. No. 4820
Railroad line, Neg. No. 4821
Railroad line, Neg. No. 4821
Neg. No. 4824
Neg. No. 4824
Neg. No. 4825
Neg. No. 4825
Railroad line, No. No. 4826
Railroad line, No. No. 4826
Railroad line, Neg. No. 4827
Railroad line, Neg. No. 4827
Neg. No. 4828
Neg. No. 4828
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