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Gene Taylor (Shift Manager, Carding 3rd Shift), E.E. Maddrey (President, Riegel Textile Corporation) Raymond Sapp (Award Winner)

Charles Hill and Harold Funk present Betty Turner with a clock

Fries Textile Co. Employee Award presentation, the Whis Farmer Family with John Belvins in the foreground

Homer Lineberry (Shift Manager, Winding 2nd Shift), E.E. Maddrey (President, Riegel Textile Corporation), Betty Akers (Zero Defects Achievment Award Winner), Hobert Akers (Husband), Lisa and Sherri Akers (Daughters), H. D. Kingsmore (President,…

The Pratt Report outlines the use of Pratt funds for the year 1978-1979 in the Virginia Tech College of Engineering. Most of the report details the trip to the USSR and Finland taken by engineering students and faculty in Spring 1979, including a…

This is a PDF of Doug Burton's personal diary, in which he wrote about the trip engineering students took to the USSR in the spring of 1979.

This letter from W. A. Blackwell informs Doug Burton that he had been officially selected to go on the USSR Engineering trip and that he would be expected to spend about $250.

This is the itinerary of the College of Engineering USSR trip, detailing the activities the students would do each day.

This letter from W. A. Blackwell informs Doug Burton that because of his good academic standing at Virginia Tech, he had been chosen to go on the Spring 1979 trip to the USSR. The letter informed him that the trip was still pretty indefinite at that…

This is a mailing list for the engineering students going on the USSR trip.

This letter from William Saric of the College of Engineering includes the final schedule of the USSR trip, travel information, and suggestions for Soviet travel.

William Saric's report addressed to Dean Paul Torgesen of the College of Engineering about the student trip to the USSR details a summery of what the students did each day of the trip.

Students in the waiting area of the Roanoke Airport

Students in the waiting area of the Roanoke Airport

Skyline view; can see Empire State Building off to the left.

Skyline view; can see Twin Towers in the center

Skyline view; can see the Twin Towers off to the left and if you look closely, the Statue of Liberty off to the right.

"The oldest stone building in Helsinki was built in 1751." - Doug Burton

"The sign says 'Leninism & Communism.'" - Doug Burton

"Statue of Peter the Great dedicated to him by Catherine II." - Doug Burton
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