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S. L. Walton Dates of War Experiences
This list contains the dates of the war experiences of S. L. Walton.
S. L. Walton Biographical Notes, February 9, 1884
Autobiographical note created by S. L. Walton detailing his time in the army.
S. A. Campbell
S. A. Campbell
S 546-0, Negative number 4837
S 546-0, Negative number 4837
Ryzon Baking Book: a Practical Manual for the Preparation of Food Requiring Baking Powder
80 pages
Rustic Swinging Bridge on Highway No. 119 Poor Fork of Cumberland
Rustic Swinging Bridge on Highway No. 119 Poor Fork of Cumberland
Rustburg Combination Station
Rustburg Combination Station
Russell, J.Wayne
Russell, J.Wayne
Russell Link. House. Built in 1969. Johns Creek Mountain.
One story white house located on Johns Creek Mountain. Owned by Russell Link, built in 1969
Russell Kessinger Place. House background. Built in 1901. Front Faye Vaught 704.
Russell Kessinger Place: Picture taken from a distance of a white house with woods around it. Built in 1901.
Russell Jones, Tech Professor to Serve on National Committee, Collegiate Times, February 22, 2001
Russell Jones, 2006
Russell Jones, 1996
Russell Henley, Jr.
Russell Henley, Jr.
Russell G. Henley , Railroader
Russell G. Henley , Railroader
Russell Davis, Men's Basketball, the 1975 Bugle, pg 295
Russell and Ruby Meadows. House. Built in 1986.
Two story house with a wrap around porch. Owned by Russell & Ruby Meadows, built in 1986.
Rural TV Remarks
Handwritten remarks given by Boucher about access to TV service in rural areas
Rural Telephone Coop Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher to the Carolina- Virginia Telephone Association about legislation pertaining to telecommunications
Rural Scenes around V.P.I.
Rural Scenes around V.P.I.
Rural scene near Blacksburg, Virginina
Rural scene near Blacksburg, Virginina.
Rural Scene
Rural Scene
Rural Retreat, Virginia
Rural Retreat, Virginia
Rural Retreat Station
Rural Retreat Station
Rural Church, Blacksburg, Va.
Outside view of a rural, one room church in Blackburg, VA
Rupert Cutler's City Council Qualifications
A document outlining Dr. Cutler's qualifications to serve as a city council member of the City of Roanoke.
Rupert Cutler with Memorial Tree
Dr. Cutler stands with a memorial tree planted on his behalf in Roanoke
Rupert Cutler Testifying
A picture of Dr. Cutler testifying in the Alaska Lands hearing
Rupert Cutler Holds a Tree
Dr. Cutler stands holding onto a tree in the woods
Rupert Cutler for Roanoke City Council Postcard
Promotional materials distributed by Dr. Cutler when he was running for Roanoke City Council
Rupert Cutler for Roanoke City Council Postcard
Promotional materials distributed by Dr. Cutler when he was running for Roanoke City Council
Rupert Cutler for Roanoke City Council Pamphlet
Promotional materials distributed by Dr. Cutler when he was running for Roanoke City Council
Rupert Cutler Birdwatching
Dr. Cutler holds up binoculars to look at a bird
Rupert Cutler as Main Audubon Camp Kitchen Boy
A photo of a young Rupert Cutler crouching by some seaweed on a beach
Rupert Cutler and Mardy Murie
Rupert Cutler stands with Mardy Murie in Teton, Wyoming.
Rupert Cutler and Brenda McDaniel Marry
A photograph taken after the marriage of Rupert Cutler and Brenda McDaniel.
Rupert Cutler and Brenda McDaniel Marry
A photograph taken after the marriage of Rupert Cutler and Brenda McDaniel.
Running the track at Miles Stadium
Running the track at Miles Stadium
Running in the Snow
Running in the Snow
Running horses silouetted against clouded sky
Running horses silouetted against clouded sky
Rules for Telecommunication Companies Speech
Handwritten speech given by Boucher outlining rules that telecommunications companies must follow
Ruins of the Science Hall after the fire
Ruins of the Science Hall after the fire.
Rufus Elliott
Rufus Elliott, the first Monacan person to attend and to graduate from Virginia Tech, earning a B.A. in history in 2007. Here he is speaking at an event for Virginia Tech's American Indian and Indigenous Heritage Month held in October 2016.
Rufus Duncan makes a chair
Rufus Duncan makes a chair
Rudy and Iron
Ruby Dickerson
V.P.I. Alumnus
Royall C. Jones
Royal Crown Land Grant Marker dated 1771
Royal Crown Land Grant Marker dated 1771
Roy Wilkins, NAACP, the 1966 Bugle, pg 68
Roy Prather, Gang Foreman, Portsmouth, Ohio
Roy Prather, Gang Foreman, Portsmouth, Ohio
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