Request from Robert R. Gilruth, directory of the Manned Spacecraft Center, to Edgar M. Cortright, director of the Langley Research Center. In the letter, Gilruth requests that William H. Phillips review the status of the Apollo Lunar Module's…
This article is about the complications of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and how the infection affects the patients of Piedmont Sanatorium. It is an article reprint from Virginia Medical Monthy, February 1926.
The February 19, 1987 report on the council delegation visit to the U. S. S. R. from February 2 through February 6 contains remarks from the delegation members--Peter G. Peterson, Henry A. Kissinger, and Cyrus R. Vance--to the Council on Foreign…
This publication describes the formation of VAMC, proposed programs and system of organization in 1872. It was part of the serial the Virginia School Report (1872) to the Superintendent of Public Instruction,
Marked up copy of the Executive Summary for a paper describing a program and arrangement with NASA to allow the general public to participate in spaceflight.