Part of joint project report/design development, showing how complex relates to surrounding area, for Yerba Buena Gardens, part of a large commercial project. Unbuilt due to disruption of funding. Project #0752
Part of joint project report/design development, showing sketches from various angles, illustrating how complex relates to surrounding area, for Yerba Buena Gardens, part of a large commercial project. Unbuilt due to disruption of funding. Project…
Reflected ceiling plan for second floor, printed as part of a set of construction drawings for Manhattan Village Academy (MVA), a high school meant to serve as a prototype of design for meeting innovative educational needs. Project #0807
Ellett's Drugstore Building refaced in 1934 to create a portion of the William Preston Hotel. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
The Fries Textile Mill oversaw the local YMCA as well, including the interior design of the building. Here, we see plans for redecorating the public spaces, dated May 24th, 1949.
The Fries Textile Mill oversaw the local YMCA as well, including the interior design of the building. Here, we see plans for redecorating the public spaces, dated May 24th, 1949.