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Virginia Outdoors Foundation Event
Cutler poses with two other men at a Virginia Outdoors Foundation event
Painting at a Virginia Outdoors Foundation Event
Cutler stands with a group as a framed painting is presented at a Virginia Outdoors Foundation event
2008 Conservation Celebration Invitation
The invitation for the Western Virginia Land Trust's 2008 Conservation Celebration event
Green Jobs in Virginia Speech
The script for a speech given by Dr. Cutler at a press conference about potential green jobs in the state
Virginia Forest Watch Certificate of Appreciation
An award given to Dr. Cutler for his work in promoting wildlife and forest conservation
Mill Mountain Project Announcement
A picture of Dr. Cutler with Virginia Governor Tim Kaine at an event announcing the Mill Mountain Project
Mill Mountain Project Announcement
A picture of Dr. Cutler with Virginia Governor Tim Kaine at an event announcing the Mill Mountain Project
Mill Mountain Project Announcement
A picture of Virginia Governor Tim Kaine giving a speech announcing the Mill Mountain Project
Invitation to the Mill Mountain Project Announcement
An invitation to the announcement of the Mill Mountain Project
Mill Mountain Project Press Release
A press release about the Mill Mountain Poject
Sons of the American Revolution Event
A picture of three men, one in period costume, taken at an event for the Sons of the American Revolution
Taubman Museum of Art Event
A group photo of attendees at an event at the Taubman Art Museum
Group Photo
A group photo of the Cutlers and friends at a Roanoke event
Hollins University Event
A group photo of Dr. Cutler at a Hollins University event with former University president Nancy Gray
Virginia Gentlemen Group Photo
A group photo of Dr. Cutler with his barbershop singing group
Formal Group Photo
A group photo of Dr. Cutler and others at an event
Hollins University Event
A group photo of Dr. Cutler at a Hollins University event
Environmental Discussion
A younger Dr. Cutler discusses environmental policy with another man
Official City Council Portrait
The official portrait photograph taken upon Cutler's election to Roanoke City Council
Rupert Cutler and Mardy Murie
Rupert Cutler stands with Mardy Murie in Teton, Wyoming.
Wilderness Society Governing Council
A group photo of a Wilderness Society Governing Council meeting
A Trip for the Wilderness Society
Cutler leans on a horse during a trip through the Elkhorn Mountains in Montana
Roanoke Kiwanis Club Group Photo
A group photo of the members of the Kiwanis Club for their 90th Anniversary program
Kiwanis 90th Anniversary
A picture of Dr. Cutler at the podium during the Roanoke Kiwanis 90th Anniversary event
Resolution Recognizing the Ronaoke Kiwanis Club
A resolution passed by the Roanoke City Council commending the work of the Roanoke Kiwanis Club
Stormwater Utility Issue
A summary of the stormwater issue and steps that were planned to address it in the City of Roanoke.
Stormwater Utility Issue
A series of questions and answers designed to inform the public about the stormwater issue and address what can be done in the City of Roanoke.
Stormwater Utility Issue
A response to questions raised relating the stormwater issue in the City of Roanoke.
Thank You Card
A card written to the Cutlers thanking them for their hospitality
Roanoke Kiwanis Club Group Photo
A group photo taken at a playground during a Kiwanis Club event
James Madison University Guest Lecture
The script for a guest lecture given at James Madison University for a public administration course relating to the assigned course reading.
Explore Park Reunion
A picture taken at a reunion of former Explore Park staff members
Explore Park Reunion
A group photo taken at a reunion of former Explore Park staff members
Explore Park Reunion
A picture taken at a reunion of former Explore Park staff members
Explore Park Siting
A picture taken of Dr. Cutler and two other men at Explore Park
Explore Park Siting
A picture taken of Dr. Cutler and another man at Explore Park
Cutler at the Podium at a National Park Service Event
A picture of Dr. Cutler speaking at a podium during a National Park Service event
Cutler at a National Park Service Event
A picture of Dr. Cutler sitting on the stage during a National Park Service event
Western Virginia Land Trust Event
A picture of Dr. Cutler giving a speech at a Western Virginia Land Trust event
Western Virginia Land Trust Event
A picture of Dr. Cutler with two other men at a Western Virginia Land Trust event
Western Virginia Land Trust Event
A picture of Dr. Cutler giving a speech at a Western Virginia Land Trust event
Western Virginia Land Trust Event
A picture of Dr. Cutler receiving a painting at a Western Virginia Land Trust event
Western Virginia Land Trust Event
A picture of Dr. Cutler shaking hands with Jim. M. Wilson at a Western Virginia Land Trust event
Western Virginia Land Trust Event
A picture of Dr. Cutler standing with Philip (?) at a Western Virginia Land Trust event
Speech for the 2010 Western VIrginia Land Trust Conservation Celebration
A marked up draft of Dr. Cutler's speech given at the Western Virginia Land Trust's 2010 Conservation Celebration
Cutler Gives a Speech
Dr. Cutler gives a speech about environmentalism
Press Conference Photo
Dr. Cutler poses for a photo with two others near a podium
Environmental Event Photo
Dr. Cutler poses with another man
Cutler Poses with Sign
Dr. Cutler stands in the woods with his hand on a sign designating the area as wilderness
Environmental Discussion
Dr. Cutler speaks with three other men
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