Browse Items (29133 total)

Letter to Mr. Kim McDonald from the AIDS Education Committee inviting him to attend the AIDS Education Forum at Virginia Tech on March 1, 1986.

Letter from Lambda Horizon Spokesperson Brian McConnell to Mark Weber concerning an alumni group and a statewide conference for gay and lesbian students being held at Virginia Tech. A conference flyer and schedule is included with the letter.

Correspondence from Dr. Richard P. Keeling, UVA's Director of Student Health, to Mark Weber congratulating him for his recent proposal for the creation of a Gay Student Concerns staff position at Virginia Tech.

Letter to friends of Lambda Horizon announcing the groups partnership with the university to present Virginia Tech's AIDS Education Forum.

Letter to friends of Lambda Horizon from Mark Weber announcing the group's first Gay Alumni Weekend.

Letter to the Editor-in-Chief of the Collegiate Times from Mark Weber asking him to consider writing a story on Virginia Tech's Student Health Services and Lambda Horizons involvement in the American College Helath Association's national conference.

Letter to friends of Lambda Horizon from Mark Weber asking for their support and financial assistance.

Letter to the local news media from Mark weber, President of Lambda Horizon, detailing the agenda for Gay Awareness Week. A flyer and Lambda Horizon information is included with the letter.

Letter to the friends of Lambda Horizon from Mark weber regarding a retirement celebration for Lambda Horizon supporter Luther Brice.

Letter to the Political Science faculty at Virginia Tech inviting them to attend U.S. Congressman Barney Frank's lecture at Lambda Horizon's Gay Awareness Week. A flyer and Lambda Horizon group information is attached to the letter.

A letter from Lambda Horizon President Mark Weber to Raft, the Sociology Department, the Psychology Department, the Family and Childe Development Center, the University Counseling Center, and Student Health Services inviting them to attend a talk on…

Letter from Dr. Richard P. Keeling, the University of Virginia's Diractor of Student Health, to Mark Weber regarding arrangements for the upcoming ACHA national conference in New Orleans.

Letter to the Virginia tech Faculty from Lambda Horizon Officers regarding the services the grioup provides to students and faculty at Virginia tech.

Letter from the Squires Student Center Program Director, Mary L Thoreen, and the Squires Ticket Office manager Sue Vinson, to Lambda Horizon President mark Weber notifying the group of a policy change for student groups who wish to purchase blocks…
Memo from Michael Collins to Chuck Tringali regarding the Nelson P. Jackson Award and nominating NASA Langley/LTV for the Scout (Rocket).

Correspondence sent by Mrs F.N. Atkins (Blacksburg Woman's Club President) to Sargent Shriver in the Office of Economic Opportunity (Washington D.C.) on May 3, 1965 expressing the support of the Blacksburg Woman's Club for the Montgomery-Floyd…

Letter from Paul M. Gherman, Director of Libraries, to Lambda Horizon requesting a group representative to contact him to discuss "a matter of concern."

Letter to Phil Donahue from the AIDS Education Committee inviting him to attend the AIDS Education Forum being held at Virginia Tech on March 1, 1986.

Letter to Lambda Horizon President Mark A. Weber from the University of Virginia's Director of Student Health inviting him and Jo Anne Underwood to attend a meeting at the ACHA's AIDS colloquium in New Orleans.

A leter from former Lambda Horizon President Mark Weber to University of Virginia's Director of Student Health Services Dr. Richard P. Keeling updating him on Virginia Tech's AIDS Education programs.

Letter from Lambda Horizon President Mark Weber to the Collegiate Times editiorials editor Rochelle Royce submitting an editorial for the paper.

Letter from Lambda Horizon's Roland Follot to fellow gay student representatives at other universities concerning Gay Awareness Week.

Letter from Scott D. Breckenridge Jr. (former Deputy Director of the CIA) to Patricia Givens Johnson, local historian, author and teacher in Christiansburg, VA. Breckenridge Jr. corresponded with Givens Johnson about her scholarship on the Preston…

Letter to lambda Horizon Officers and Members from Senior Sociology major Victoria L. Smith asking for the groups help and advice with her seminar project about the stigmatization of subcultures and minority groups.

A strongly detailed drawing of a corridor inside a house. Beneath that drawing is a sketch of a balcony overlooking a garden.

A black and white drawing of a hallway with large windows on the left and small entrances on the right.

Corridor in the Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, Virginia

Letter from Patrick Hanrahan to mark Weber regarding possible organization activities for Lambda Horizon in the coming months.

Corvins Cove

Cosmopolitan Club page from the 1951 Bugle. The Cosmopolitan Club was a social group on campus for students from countries other than the United States of America.

Cotillion Club Dance in Old Field House

One story frame dwelling with tin roof; pipeless heater.

These are two story frame dwellings with tin roof; stove heat.

Drawing of a living room interior with fireplace and stairs for a cottage design for Donald Carbone at Chesapeake Ranch Club in Lusby, Maryland.

Cotton Mill - Fries, Virginia

Dr. Cutler gives a speech as a Roanoke City Council member

Countryside near V.P.I. campus

County and City Building, Ashville, North Carolina

Couple on Porch Spring

Couple on Porch Swing

Couple Spends the Day Boating

First Session, 1872-73. Annual course catalog of Virginia Polytechnic University: including campus maps; facility descriptions; lists of courses, schedules, students, and faculty; and other information relating to the operations of the institution.

Second Session, 1873-74. Annual course catalog of Virginia Polytechnic University: including campus maps; facility descriptions; lists of courses, schedules, students, and faculty; and other information relating to the operations of the institution.

Third Session, 1874-75. Annual course catalog of Virginia Polytechnic University: including campus maps; facility descriptions; lists of courses, schedules, students, and faculty; and other information relating to the operations of the institution.

Fourth Session, 1875-76.Annual course catalog of Virginia Polytechnic University: including campus maps; facility descriptions; lists of courses, schedules, students, and faculty; and other information relating to the operations of the institution.

Fifth Session, 1876-77. Annual course catalog of Virginia Polytechnic University: including campus maps; facility descriptions; lists of courses, schedules, students, and faculty; and other information relating to the operations of the institution.

Sixth Session, 1877-78. Annual course catalog of Virginia Polytechnic University: including campus maps; facility descriptions; lists of courses, schedules, students, and faculty; and other information relating to the operations of the institution.

Seventh Session, 1878-79. Annual course catalog of Virginia Polytechnic University: including campus maps; facility descriptions; lists of courses, schedules, students, and faculty; and other information relating to the operations of the institution.

Second Session, 1873-74. Annual course catalog of Virginia Polytechnic University: including campus maps; facility descriptions; lists of courses, schedules, students, and faculty; and other information relating to the operations of the institution.

Bulletin, Vol. XIV, No. 3. Annual course catalog of Virginia Polytechnic University: including campus maps; facility descriptions; lists of courses, schedules, students, and faculty; and other information relating to the operations of the…
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