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R.E. Lee
R.E. Lee
R.E. Hooper
R.E. Hooper
R.E. Dailey, Retired Supervisor of Bridges and Buildings, Radford Division
R.E. Dailey, Retired Supervisor of Bridges and Buildings, Radford Division
R.E. Casher, Traveling Freight Agent, Boston
R.E. Casher, Traveling Freight Agent, Boston
R.D. Stone
R.D. Stone
R.D. Simpson - Engineering Department
R.D. Simpson - Engineering Department
R.D. Hoffman
R.D. Hoffman
R.C. Thompson
R.C. Thompson
R.C. Overstreet, Section Foreman, Lowry, Virginia
R.C. Overstreet, Section Foreman, Lowry, Virginia
R.C. Overstreet, Bedford, Virginia
R.C. Overstreet, Bedford, Virginia
R.C. Hobson - Winston-Salem, North Carolina
R.C. Hobson - Winston-Salem, North Carolina
R.C. Gardner
R.C. Gardner
R.C. Alexander
World War II Alumnus
R.B. Torbett
R.B. Torbett
R.B. McDonald, Clerk Accountant
R.B. McDonald, Clerk Accountant
R.B. Claytor
R.B. Claytor
R.A. Littrell
R.A. Littrell
R.A. Apple
R.A. Apple
R. W. Nuckolls
R. W. Nuckolls
R. W. Hess
R. W. Hess
R. Stuart Royer
R. Sally Miles
R. Sally Miles
R. Perdue. House. Built in 1985.
One story white house with a front porch. Owned by R. Perdue, built in 1985
R. P. Yellen
R. P. Yellen
R. P. Winton
R. P. Winton
R. P. Webster
R. P. Webster
R. O. Walker, Agent Suffolk, Virginia
R. O. Walker, Agent Suffolk, Virginia
R. L. Wagner, Rural Retreat, Virginia
R. L. Wagner, Rural Retreat, Virginia
R. K. McCoy General Merchandise Store and people
Small children and 2 men pose on the front porch of R.K. McCoy's General Store in Blacksburg, VA
R. Cawthorne
R. Cawthorne
R. B. Williamson, District Manager, Norfolk and Western Coal Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts
R. B. Williamson, District Manager, Norfolk and Western Coal Bureau, Boston, Massachusetts
R. [Thaxton] Letter, Apr. 15, 1878
Letter from R. [Thaxton] to his nephew Charly.
R. [Thaxton] Letter
Letter from R. [Thaxton] discussing business.
Quintin J. Flora Home and Orchard With Frank Noftsinger and One of the Floras in Foreground
Quintin J. Flora Home and Orchard With Frank Noftsinger and One of the Floras in Foreground
Quincy, Massachusetts, Home of Dorothy Quincy, wife of John Hancock
Quincy, Massachusetts, Home of Dorothy Quincy, wife of John Hancock
Quilting Party
Quilting Party
Quilting Party
The lining for a patchwork quilt is being laid at the home of Alice Dehart on Rockcastle Creek south of the Blue Ridge hill country.
Quilt from Platte Canyon High School
In September 2006 Platte Canyon High School student Emily Keyes was killed by a gunman.
Quilt from Nichols College
Created by Acquisitions Librarian Evelyn Nieszczezwski
Quilt from A Needle Runs Through It
Quilt consisting of 32 blocks, finished in Virginia Tech shades of orange and maroon from Fairfax Quilters Unlimited
Quilt by Melissa Stevens Quilter
Quilt made by Melissa Steven Quilter; donated to the Cook Counseling Center shortly after the events of April 16 2007.
Quilt by Erin Roll and Jeanne Roll
Quilt made by Erin Roll and Jeanne Roll; donated to the Cook Counseling Center shortly after the events of April 16, 2007.
Quick Change Threader & Boring Tool
Photo of a quick change threader and boring tool created by Stromberg.
Questionnaire on AIDS Education, Mark Weber, Lambda Horizon, n.d. (Ms2014-010)
Questionnaire created by Mark Weber, President of Lambda Horizon, for an independent class project. The questionnaire was distributed to members of Lambda Horizon in order to gauge their level of knowledge about the AIDS virus. Weber planned to…
Queen Harrison 2
Queen Harrison
Queen Anne's Lane project, Washington, D.C., 1960. Elevations (Ms1992-028)
North elevation showing houses #1 through #9 and east elevation view for the Queen Anne's Lane project; sheet 5.
Quarry at the Blue Ridge Talc Company
Quarry at the Blue Ridge Talc Company
Quantico Station
Quantico Station
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