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Horton Research Center. VPI. [Virginia Polytechnic Institute] Built in 1968.
Faraway picture of Horton Research Center at VPI, a small pond sits infront of it. Built in 1968
John and Patricia Smith. Cathy and David Dowdy. Built 1986.
Two one-story manufactured homes behind trees. Owned by John & Patricia Smith and Cathy & David Dowdy, built in 1986
John W. and Patricia Smith. House. Built in 1963.
One story trailer home. Owned by John W. & Patricia Smith, built in 1963
Will Songer, (back house); David and Irene Smith (front house).
A long shot of two homes, Will Songers in the backL one story white house. David & Irene Smith in the front: one story brick house
Russell and Ruby Meadows. House. Built in 1986.
Two story house with a wrap around porch. Owned by Russell & Ruby Meadows, built in 1986.
Nellie Meadows House. Russell and Ruby.
Nellie Meadows House: One story white house with a stone foundation and a metal roof. Owned by Russull & Ruby Meadows
Songer-Town. Willows, Songer, Hilton, Smith. 1956-1994
Aerial picture of a town. A note reads "Houses on this picture: Virginia Williams-1961, Steve Songer-1965, Joe Hilton- 1966, William Smith-1971, Walter + Helen Songer- 1968, Ronnie Songer-1956, Darlene Williams- 1991, Benny
Franklin and Gladys Rock. House. Built in 1979
White one story house with a covered porch. Owned by Franklin & Gladys Rock, built in 1979
Albert and Brenda Porterfield. Barn. Built in 1921.
Battered one-story wooden barn. Owned by Albert & Brenda Porterfield, built in 1921
Albert and Brenda Porterfield. House. Built in 1871.
Two story white house with raised foundation. Owned by Albert & Brenda Porterfield, built in 1871
Cecil and Jean Porterfield. House. Built in 1979.
One story white house surronded by trees. Owned by Cecil & Jean Porterfield, built in 1979
Cecil and Jean Porterfield. Farmstead. Built in 1979.
Picture of a pasture littered with trees.
Cecil and Jean Porterfield. Rail Fence. Built in 1930.
Old wooden rail fence built next to a dirt road. Owned by Cecil & Jean Porterfield, built in 1930
Reba Cromer. House. Built in 1985.
One story manufactured home. Owned by Reba Cromer, built in 1985
Super Val-u [Grocery Store]. Built in 1985.
Super Val-y Grocery building with cars parked infront of it. Built in 1985
Newport Post Office. Built in 1996.
Newport Post Office: one story brick building built in 1996
Newport Cemetery. Gravestone. 1884.
Gravestone in Newport Cemetery reading: Hattie V. ; daughter of E.F. & H.A Payne; Born Jan.14 1879, Died (obscured) 1884
Jerry Deplazes. Business. Built in 1976.
Two car garage shop with cars littering the premises. Owned by Jerry Deplazes, built in 1976
Hampton Smith House. Aaron Deplazes. Built in 1935.
Hampton Smith House: one story white house with a front porch and stone foundation. Owned by Aaron Deplazes, built in 1935
Melvin Smith. Garage ruins. Built in 1935.
Picture of an old truck and a sign handing from a pole avertising coca-cola and "Smiths"
Loretta Smith. House. Built in 1970.
One story white house with a stone wall and a small front stoop. Owned by Loretta Smith, built in 1970
Parcell House. Michael Williams.
Parcell House: one story brick house with a long dirt driveway. Owned by Micheal Williams
Norma Jean Martin. House. Built in 1976.
One story brick house with white accents and an attached carport. Owned by norma Jean Martin, built in 1976
Neil and Fay Hagreen. House. Built in 1976.
One story brick house with an attached carport. Owned by Neil & Fay Hagreen
Mark and Michell Brookner. House. Built in 1976.
One story brick house in the Appalachian Mountains. Owned by Mark & Michell Brookner, built in 1976
Lyn Wilkerson. House. Built in 1976.
One story brick house with a wrap around back porch. Owned by Lyn Wilkerson, built in 1976
Virgil Cauley. House. Built in 1976.
A basketball hoop and a house obscured by greenery. Owned by Virgil Cauley, built in 1976
Joseph and Melinda Ogle. House. Built in 1993.
Two story house with a front porch. Owned by Joseph & Melina Ogle, built in 1993
Hub and Brenda Martin. House. Built in 1980.
One story manufactured house. Owned by Hub & Brenda Martin, built in 1980
Billy and Clarice Williams. House. Built in 1956.
One story brick house with an attached carport. Owned by Billy & Clarice Williams, built in 1856
Williams Garage. Billy and Clarice Williams. Built in 1950.
Williams Garage: One story stone garage shop. Owned by Billy & Claruce Williams, built in 1950
Brenda Smith. House. Built in 1978.
One story manufactured house on a hill in the Appalachian Mountains. Owned by Brenda Smith, built in 1978
Payne - Early Cemetery. Built in 1860
Faded gravestone for Mrs. A.P. Early, located in Payne-Early cemeyeru. Built in 1860
Payne - Frances House. Robert Smith. Built in 1880.
Payne-Frances House: Two and a half story house with additions and a balcony. Owned by Robert Smith, built in 1880
Graham Farrier. House. Built in 1961.
One story brick house with a front porch. Owned by Graham Farrier, built in 1961
Robert Farrier. House. Built in 1929.
One and half story house with a front porch and brick foundation. Owned by Robert Farrier built in 1929
Robert Farrier. Barn. Built in 1900.
Small white barn attached to a pasture next to a small lake. Owned by Robert Farrier, built in 1900
Robert Farrier. House. Built in 1840.
Two and half story white house with a front balcony, shrubery, and a detached shed. Owned by Robert Farrier, built in 1840
Robert Craven. House. Built in 1976.
Two story modern house with a large back balcony. Owned by Robert Craven, built in 1976
Fidell Smith Old Store. Rock Wall and Buildings. Built in 1935.
Site of Fidell Smith's old store, picture is now a rock wall and various sheds. Owned by Fidell Smith, built in 1935
Fidel Smith. Old Store. Apartments. Built in 1935.
Two story building that conatined a store and apartments above it. Owned by Fidel Smith, built in 1935
Ray Howell. House. Built in 1977.
One story brick house with a dirt path leading to it. Owned by Ray Howell, built in 1977
David Yolton. Barn. Built in 1985.
One story log barn. Owned by David Yolton, built in 1985
David Yolton. House. Built in 1961.
Two story wood and stucco house with a balcony. Owned by David Yolton, built in 1961
Nancy Kate Givens. Farmstead. Built in 1937.
Multiple buildings on farmland: a two story house, large barn, sheds, and poultry barn. Owned by Nancy Kate Givens, built in 1937
Nancy Kate Givens. Scales. Built in 1920.
Wooden shack surronded by wood fence, The shed contains weighing scales. Owned by Nancy Kate Givens, built in 1920
Dave and Fran Godfrey. House. Built in 1850.
Two story house / barn. Owned by Dave & Fran Godfrey, built in 1850
Doug and Susan Godfrey. House. Built in 1995.
One story manufactured home. Owned by Doug & Susan Godfrey, built in 1995
Randy and Phyllis Rhodes. House. Built in 1979.
One story house with a back porch and trailer in the back yard. Owned by Randy & Phyllis Rhodes, built in 1979
John and Cindy Driscoll. House. Built in 1976.
One story brick house surronded by trees. Owned by John & Cindy Driscoll, built in 1976
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