Progress Street residential area. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Program of scheduled events for Life Fest, Virginia Tech's concert for AIDS education, research, and treatment held in Lane Stadium on September 8, 1989.
Program from "A Vigil of Remembrance for Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University: Never Alone - United As One" held at Philadelphia University on April 19, 2007.
Program and dinner menu for the 1965 Diamond Jubilee event held by the Col William Christian Chapter, National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Christiansburg, Virginia, 1965.
This is a one story frame dwelling with wood shingle roof, steam heat. Additional notes: Building No. 2 frame dwelling formerly wood shingle roog now has composition shingle roof. Fireproof. Located near Davidson Hall.