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Bridgeport and Roanoke Baseball Game
Bridgeport and Roanoke Baseball Game
Petersburg Baseball Team and Park
Petersburg Baseball Team and Park
Walnut-Cove Combination Station
Walnut-Cove Combination Station
Opening Game
Opening Game
Two Players At The Bluefield vs. Roanoke Championshiop Baseball Game
Two Players At The Bluefield vs. Roanoke Championshiop Baseball Game
Referees at the Bluefield vs. Roanoke Championship Baseball Game
Referees at the Bluefield vs. Roanoke Championship Baseball Game
Bluefield vs. Roanoke Championship Baseball Game
Bluefield vs. Roanoke Championship Baseball Game
Team Picture At The Bluefield vs. Roanoke Championship Baseball Game
Team Picture At The Bluefield vs. Roanoke Championship Baseball Game
Baseball Game: Bluefield vs. Roanoke, Championship
Baseball Game: Bluefield vs. Roanoke, Championship
Baseball Game: Bluefield vs. Roanoke, Championship
Baseball Game: Bluefield vs. Roanoke, Championship
Opening Game
Opening Game
Trophy Won By The M.P. Baseball Team
Trophy Won By The M.P. Baseball Team
M.P. Baseball Team
M.P. Baseball Team
Walton Station
Walton Station
Norfolk & Western Baseball Team
Norfolk & Western Baseball Team
Catcher for a baseball team
Catcher for a baseball team
Engineering Department Baseball Team
Engineering Department Baseball Team
Transportation Department Baseball Team
Transportation Department Baseball Team
Baseball Teams, Transportation and Terminal, M.P. Eng.
Baseball Teams, Transportation and Terminal, M.P. Eng.
Norfolk News Service Photo, Women and Archery
Norfolk News Service Photo, Women and Archery
Norfolk News Service, Women and Archery at the Beach
Norfolk News Service, Women and Archery at the Beach
Norfolk News Service, Women and Archery on the Beach
Norfolk News Service, Women and Archery on the Beach
Archery Practice, Bathing Beauties, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Archery Practice, Bathing Beauties, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Norfolk News Service Photo, Women and Archery on the Beach
Norfolk News Service Photo, Women and Archery on the Beach
White Post Combination Station
White Post Combination Station
Dwellings & School Building, Majestic, Ky
Street view of Majestic Colliery Co. school building & dwelling. Dwelling is a 2 story hpme & school building is a 2 story brick building
Machine Shop, Pulaski County
D.L. Hodge (left) and 4 other men stand outside the Pulaski Anthracite Coal Co. machine shop in Pulaski County.
Pulaski Anthracite Coal Co
View from across a river of Anthracite Coal Co.'s main building in Pulaski, VA
Train Wreck in Dublin, 1897
Two men sit on the wreckage of a train derailing in Dublin, VA
Bridge over the New River near Pulaski
A coal train running across the curved tracks over the New River in Pulaski County. James H. Giles & Mr. Bishop sit in the trains conductor cabin.
E.Q. Duncan, Pup, & R.H. Graham
E.Q Duncan(foreground), R.H Graham, and Duncan's dog stand on a long log raft as they paddle to the Claytor Lake Dam from the New River
Appalachian Power Co. Dam
The Appalachian Power Co. dam during inital construction. Located on the New River above Radford
Dublin Institute, 1905
Grainy picture of the acedmic building and east dorm building of Dublin Institute. Taken the year it was founded in 1905
Making Cider in Dublin in 1897
Six men making apple cider in a homes back yard
Dr. Wilson Cushing
Dr. Wilson Cushing sits in a horse drawn carriage outside of someones residence before he makesa house call.
Dublin Housewife stirs apple butter in 1897
Woman in her backyard stirring apple butter in a kettle over a wodden fire.
Two-story building, possibly a school
Front view of a two-story white building. May be abandoned, surronded by woods
Wecome to Prices Fork Sign
Photo of a man & woman standing infront of a road sign reading "Welcome to Prices Fork; Please drive carefully; Grange NO.786"
Sketch of Wade Helvey Store
Sketch of Wade Helvey's Store in black and white. Writing is partially scribbled out, "Wade Helvery Store, Now an antique shop that is never open."
Two story building with children and teachers
Schoolchildren and teachers posed infront of a white two-story building
Map of Montgomery County
Black and white map of Montgomery County in 1932
Historical Map of Montgomery County
Black and white drawn map of what Montgomery Looked like in 1777, published in a newspaper
Yellow Sulfur Springs
Blurry photo of a women posing infont of the Yellow Sulfur Springs Hotel
Grinding wheels and logging
Forest clearing on Brush Mountain where millstones are made.
Picture of a 2-story white house known as "Cliffside" in Montgomery County VA
Train on the Huckleberry Line
Picture of a train coming into a station using the Huckleberry Line, two men walk alongside the train
The Old Huckleberry Depot
Side view of the Old Huckleberry Depot, 2 men stand nearby to the 1-story building.
The Huckleberry Train Snowbound
The Huckle Berry Train stuck in show
Base of Lovers' Leap
"Goldie" Giles & Jerry Lawson walk on the traintracks at the base of the Lovers Leap in Montgomery County. Both men graduated from VPI in 1934
O.M. Moomaw's Cress Pond
O.M. Moomaw's Watercress pond farm. Picture is a structured pond with walkways and dividers, in the back is powerlines, farm buildings, and a water tank
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