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Dapper Duffer
Photographs taken of the "Dapper Duffer" statue. Originally located in Mish Mish and sponsored by Bill Ellenbogen LLC.
Daril and Dorothy Harvey. House. Built in 1890.
One story log cabin. Owned by Daril & Dorothy Harvey, built in 1890
Daril and Dorothy Harvey. House. Built in 1956.
One story white house. Owned by Daril & Dorothy Harvey, built in 1956
Daril and Dorothy Harvey. House. Built in 1979.
One story house with a porch that wraps around the entire house. Owned by Daril & Dorothy Harvey, built in 1979
Dark feathered bird with red bill
Watercolor painting of a dark feathered bird with a red bill by E. L. Poole.
Darreii and Joyce Kessinger. House. Built in 1978.
Darreii and Joyce Kessinger: Modern brick house. Owned by Darreii and Joyce Kessinger. Built in 1978.
Darryl Settles and Gwen Gardner, the 1984 Bugle, pg 408
Darryl Settles, the 1984 Bugle, pg 447
Data About the Town of Blacksburg
Information about Blacksburg, VA, in 1966, prepared by the Chamber of Commerce.
Daughter of J.D. Fitzgerald
Daughter of J.D. Fitzgerald
Dave and Fran Godfrey. House. Built in 1850.
Two story house / barn. Owned by Dave & Fran Godfrey, built in 1850
David [unknown] Letter
Letter from David [unknown] to his unknown friend.
David and Doris Link. Built in 1959.
David and Doris Link: Modern house. Owned by David and Doris Link. Built in 1959.
David and Selena McCoy. House. Built in 1991.
David and Selena McCoy: Picture taken from a distance of a modern house. Owned by David and Selena McCoy. Built in 1991.
David and Sheila Kessinger. House. Built in 1989.
Dirt road with a house next to it. Owned by David & Sheila Kessinger, built in 1989
David Duncan House. Built 1940.
One & a half story white house with a detached shed in the back. Owned by David Duncan, built in 1940
David Felts Holding a Trophy
David Huffman. House. Built in 1906.
David Huffman: One-story white house with a porch. Owned by David Huffman. Built in 1906.
David L. Wassum
World War II Alumnus
David McCelung, Grandma, Aunt Mattie and Mother in Rear, Salem, Va.
David McCelung, Grandma, Aunt Mattie and Mother in Rear, Salem, Va.
David McClung, Salem, Va
David McClung standing on a bench facing to his right, Salem, Va
David Sexton
David W. Feldman
World War II Alumnus
David W. Reed, Auditor Claims
David W. Reed, Auditor Claims
David Yolton. Barn. Built in 1985.
One story log barn. Owned by David Yolton, built in 1985
David Yolton. House. Built in 1961.
Two story wood and stucco house with a balcony. Owned by David Yolton, built in 1961
Davidson Hall
Davidson Hall
Davidson Hall, VPI campus
Photo taken of Davidson hall, VPI campus.
Davis Ancestors Email
Email from Bob Davis to Dianne regarding the Davis ancestors. The message includes information going back to Elizabeth Ann Natt, b. 1815.
Davis Family (photograph)
Photograph of A. J. Davis, wife, and two children. Presumed to be a copy of "A. J. Davis with Robert & Delamater"
Davis Family note
Note containing information about A. J. Davis and wife Janet for future reference or as a means of identification.
Davis Family Tree from England
Hand-drawn family tree of the Davis family, starting with Jonas Abraham Davis in England.
Davis Family Tree from England (with comments)
Copy of the hand-drawn family tree accompanied by commentary on relationships between family members and background information.
Davis London
Lists of occupations and addresses of various Davis family members in London. Seems to be taken from a Jewish directory of some kind.
Davis, Acie
Davis, Acie
Davis, Dr. Fred
Davis, Dr. Fred
Davison Hall at V.P.I., Blacksburg, Virginia
Davison Hall at V.P.I., Blacksburg, Virginia
Davy Station
Davy Station
Davy Station
Davy Station
Daw Station House
Daw Station House
Dawson family
Dawson, W. R. and Office Force
Dawson, W. R. and Office Force
Day after V.A.M.C. beat V.M.I.
Day after V.A.M.C. beat V.M.I.
Day By Day Journal, John Henning Woods, 1861 (Ms2017-030)
Spanning from January 1 through December 31, 1861, this journal contains a short description of Woods' daily activities, including his thoughts on the political situation, notes in shorthand, and monetary accounts.
Day of Fun at the River
Day of Fun at the River
Dean Norris Dwelling #26
This is a one and a half story frame dwelling with a wood shingle roof and steam heat.
DeAngelo Hall, 2004
Deaths in 1893
List of deaths in 1893.
Debbie Styles at Cattle Show
Deborah L. Petrine
Photograph of Deborah L. Petrine, rector of the Board of Visitors, 2014-2016
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