A postcard with a newspaper clipping talking about Cadet Cabell Brand, the Cabell's grandson, returning to VMI after serving in the Army to finish his degree.
A newspaper clipping is attached with the headline "The Fayette Tribune Pays Tribute to E. M. Cabell." The article says that Mr. Cabell just celebrated his 82nd birthday.
A newspaper clipping is attached with the headline "Hugh McGuire Brand Transferred to Washington by Navy." Hugh McGuire Brand is the grandson of Mr. E. M. Cabell.
A newspaper clipping is attached with the headline "Lt. Comdr. Ralph Jones Aboard Enterprise." Lt. Comdr. Jones is married to Mr. E. M. Cabell's granddaughter.
Correspondence between two members of the Blacksburg chapter of the Household of Ruth, a women's auxiliary organization to the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows.