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Poly-Scientific (2)
Poly-Scientific Building, owned by Litton Industries
Corning Glass Works, Blacksburg, Va.
Color postcard of an aerial view of Corning Glass Works Factory in Blacksburg, VA
First P.O. Building in Blacksburg
Men stand on the porch of the first Post Office in Blacksburg
Neily's Store I
Inside of Neily's Store in Blacksburg, VA
Neily's Store II
Inside of Neily's Store in Blacksburg, VA
Marguerite's Beauty Shop
Outside of "Marguertite's Beauty Shop"
Marguerite's Beauty-Rama
Outside of "Marguerite's Beauty-rama Inc."
Hokie House & Normans Barber Shop
Picture of a store with the above ground half being 'Hokie House restaurant' and the bottom half is "Normans Barber Shop"
Blacksburg Lumber Company
Outside picture of brick building for the Blacksburg Lumber Company
Poly-Scientific (1)
Photo of a two-story building with signage "Poly-Scientific; A division of Litton Industries"
Raines Real Estate
Street view of Raines Real Estate, a business in a large two-story house. Cars line the street infront of the building
Cheds Department Store
The outside of Cheds Discount Dept. Store, 7 cars in the parking lot infront of the store
Shoe Shop in Blacksburg
Two men (one sitting & one standing) pose on the porch of a shoe shop in Blacksburg VA
Plank's Store
Blurry street veiw photo of Plank's Store, a horse drawn carriage is half-way in frame
Main Street from Old Alumni Gate, Blacksburg VA
Blurry overhead photo of Main St. in Blacksburg from Old Alumni Gate
Main Street Intersection, Blacksburg, VA
Street view of Main street in downtown Blacksburg, a large brick building is in the background (maybe a school or government building). people walk around between shops
Overhead of Main Street, Blacksburg
Overhead shot of Main Street in Blacksburg VA, dated between 1900-1919
Main Street from the V.P.I Entrance Arch
Overhead view of Main St. pointing East from the V.P.I Entrance
Blacksburg, VA, Stanger's Store
Businessmen pose in Stanger's Store in Blacksburg, VA, Owner- "Squire" Stanger standing middle left
Intersection on Main St. in Blacksburg, VA
View of Main St. intersection, "Brown Stores Hardware Co." sign can be seen. Blacksburg, VA
People walk through downtown c.1940
Large groups gather on and walk through the intersection of College & South Main St., seemingly headed towards V.P.I
Blacksburg, Downtown, circa 1905
Photograph of downtown Blacksburg intersected by traintracks
Downtown Blacksburg From a Median
Picture of South Main St. cars drive up and down the road.
Heavener Chevrolet auto dealership, Blacksburg, VA
Outside of Heavener Chevrolet car dealership, cars lined up infront of the building. Blacksburg, VA
Outside Ellett's Drug Store in Blacksburg, VA
Two cars parked on the street outside of Ellett's Drugstore in Blacksburg, VA
Doc Roberts Shell Station, Blacksburg, VA
Street view of Doc Roberts Shell Station in Blacksburg, VA
Sarvay's Store, Blacksburg, Virginia
Men and boys pose infront of Sarvay's Drug Store Store in Blacksburg
Three men get their hair cut in Blacksburg, VA
Three men sit in barbershop chairs and get their hair cut in Blacksburg, VA
Barber shop in Blacksburg, Virginia
Men sit and get their haircut in a barbershop in Blacksburg, VA
Dwellings & School Building, Majestic, Ky
Street view of Majestic Colliery Co. school building & dwelling. Dwelling is a 2 story hpme & school building is a 2 story brick building
Machine Shop, Pulaski County
D.L. Hodge (left) and 4 other men stand outside the Pulaski Anthracite Coal Co. machine shop in Pulaski County.
Pulaski Anthracite Coal Co
View from across a river of Anthracite Coal Co.'s main building in Pulaski, VA
Train Wreck in Dublin, 1897
Two men sit on the wreckage of a train derailing in Dublin, VA
Bridge over the New River near Pulaski
A coal train running across the curved tracks over the New River in Pulaski County. James H. Giles & Mr. Bishop sit in the trains conductor cabin.
E.Q. Duncan, Pup, & R.H. Graham
E.Q Duncan(foreground), R.H Graham, and Duncan's dog stand on a long log raft as they paddle to the Claytor Lake Dam from the New River
Dublin Institute, 1905
Grainy picture of the acedmic building and east dorm building of Dublin Institute. Taken the year it was founded in 1905
Making Cider in Dublin in 1897
Six men making apple cider in a homes back yard
Dr. Wilson Cushing
Dr. Wilson Cushing sits in a horse drawn carriage outside of someones residence before he makesa house call.
Dublin Housewife stirs apple butter in 1897
Woman in her backyard stirring apple butter in a kettle over a wodden fire.
Two-story building, possibly a school
Front view of a two-story white building. May be abandoned, surronded by woods
Wecome to Prices Fork Sign
Photo of a man & woman standing infront of a road sign reading "Welcome to Prices Fork; Please drive carefully; Grange NO.786"
Sketch of Wade Helvey Store
Sketch of Wade Helvey's Store in black and white. Writing is partially scribbled out, "Wade Helvery Store, Now an antique shop that is never open."
Two story building with children and teachers
Schoolchildren and teachers posed infront of a white two-story building
Map of Montgomery County
Black and white map of Montgomery County in 1932
Historical Map of Montgomery County
Black and white drawn map of what Montgomery Looked like in 1777, published in a newspaper
Yellow Sulfur Springs
Blurry photo of a women posing infont of the Yellow Sulfur Springs Hotel
Grinding wheels and logging
Forest clearing on Brush Mountain where millstones are made.
Picture of a 2-story white house known as "Cliffside" in Montgomery County VA
The Old Huckleberry Depot
Side view of the Old Huckleberry Depot, 2 men stand nearby to the 1-story building.
The Huckleberry Train Snowbound
The Huckle Berry Train stuck in show
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