This photo is of FutureHAUS, a smart house designed and built by students and faculty in the VT colleges of Architecture and Urban Studies and of Engineering to demonstrate the contributions of the university to conservation and sustainability in…
This photo by Logan Wallace of VT University Relations taken October 18, 2017, illustrates the game-ball run tradition. Members of the Ranger Company of the Army ROTC program run the homecoming football game ball around the campus for 100 miles,…
This photo is of the annual Gobblerfest, held each fall to welcome students to campus, taken by Thomas Miller of VT University Relations on September 6, 2019.
Growley II (call sign "Tank"), the dog mascot for the VT Corps of Cadets, greets students during exams week at Squires Student Center in this photo by Christina Franusich of VT University Relations, May 3, 2018.
The Hispanic College Institute is held annually at Virginia Tech to bring Hispanic and Latinx high school students to campus to learn about the college experience. This photo is of one of the workshops attended by the students, taken by Lee Friesland…
This photo is of the groundbreaking of Hitt Hall for the VT Myers-Lawson School of Construction, taken by Christina Franusich of VT University Relations on February 2, 2022.
For the homecoming football game, the university holds a parade each year. Here is the HokieBird at the parade, taken by Skyler Taube of VT University Relations, October 19, 2019.
This photo is of Holli Drewry, the first president of the VT A/P Faculty Senate and the first A/P Faculty Representative on the VT Board of Visitors. This photo was taken by Christina Franusich on January 20, 2022.
This photo by Mike Chirieleison of VT University Relations depicts the groundbreaking of the first building at the Innovation Campus in Alexandria, Virginia, on Sept. 14, 2021. Pictured from left are Dave Calhoun (CEO of Boeing), Ralph Northam…
Linsey Marr, a VT engineering professor, became an internationally reknowned expert on the transmission and prevention of infectious diseases during COVID-19 Pandemic. Here she is pictured in her lab during the pandemic, taken by Ryan Young of VT…
This photo is of LumenHAUS, a smart house designed and built by students and faculty in the VT colleges of Architecture and Urban Studies and of Engineering to demonstrate the contributions of the university to conservation and sustainability in…
Paul Torgersen, president of Virginia Tech, is pictured here on the university campus in Blacksburg. The red steel structure in the background is what would become Torgersen Hall. The photo from VT University Relations dates to August 16, 1999.
This photo by Ahmed Mustafa of VT University Relations is of Deborah Petrine receiving from President Tim Sands a resolution of appreciation for her service as the first female Rector of the VT Board of Visitors, among other contributions, at the…
System X (pronounced ten) is the university's first supercomputer, which was declared the fastest at any university and third fastest in the world in 2003. This photo is undated.
Leticia "Tish" Long is the second female Rector of the VT Board of Visitors in the university's history. This photo of Long is by Christina Franusich on August 31, 2021.
This photo by Torgersen Bridge over the Alumni Mall with the Pylons of the War Memorial Court in the background is by Thomas Miller of VT University Relations in February 12, 2020.
This photo is of the Undergraduate Student Senate (USS) Transition Team in 2021. That year, the Student Government Association was disbanded and the USS formed, with the transition team working on the governing documents for the USS prior to the…
This photo by Clayton Metz of VT University Relations is of an experiment in the Virginia Tech Carilion's Center for Human Neuroscience Research, part of the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC, 2021.
This photo is of VT alum Kristi Castlin, who became the first female Hokie to medal at the Olympics in 2016. Here she is waving to fans at a VT football game in September 2016. The photo was taken by Dave Knachel of VT Athletics.
Architecural drawings of the old McBryde Building by Carneal and Johnston (Richmond, Va.), an architectural and engineering firm that often worked on buildings at VPI.
September 1922 issue of the Bulletin of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute reporting on the educational opportunities for women at VPI, including home economics, agricultural and other life sciences, engineeering, and education training, September 1,…
Front page of the Virginia Tech, reporting on the installation of wireless stations on campus, a speech by the secretary of the YMCA, a performance by the Chicago Ladies' Orchestra, and a basketball game between the junior varsity "Rats" and the…
Front page of The Virginia Tech, reporting that VPI will be constructing an athletic building, as well as a game between football alumni and the JV team, and the opening season dances from the German and Cotillion Clubs, October 23, 1913.
Front page masthead of The Virginia Tech, reporting on the new system of "mass athletics" and encouraging its support, as well as the positive record of the basketball team, Janurary 20, 1921.
Article from the Blacksburg Sentinel, reporting on a fire that destroyed the Kappa Alpha fraternity house on North Main Street in Blacksburg, October 3, 1998.