Roanoke Street, historic route of the northerly road from Botetourt County that led southwest toward Tennessee and Kentucky. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at…
Historic district of Blacksburg. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Progress Street residential area. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Wilson Street residential area. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
College Avenue, the border of the residential district and Virginia Tech. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Part of the historic district of Blacksburg, most likely Main Street. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Map of Montgomery County. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Map of Blacksburg, with its modern boundaries superimposed on a plan of the earliest land grants. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit…
Map of Blacksburg grid, with the town as it was originally laid out by founder William Black. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
A two-story, two-room log residence, possibly built before 1830. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
1853 drawing of Blacksburg by Lewis Miller. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Colonial Inn in Blacksburg. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration
Two-story, one-room log house, one of the earliest remaining structures in the Blacksburg residential district. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of…
Two-story, two-room structure, one of the earliest domestic structures remaining in the Blacksburg residential district. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the…
Two-story, two-room Price House on the northeast side of Wharton Street. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Historic photo showing the original appearance of the Price House. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
One-room house dating from the antebellum period. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Two-story frame house dating from the third quarter of the nineteenth century. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Blacksburg Presbyterian church. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Meeting house used by Blacksburg's Presbyterian and Methodist congregations until 1847. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
A false front added to the building in the twentieth century fell off in 1986, allowing a partial restoration of the building. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created…
Historic photo of Deyerle's Store, built in 1875. Blacksburg's most substantial and best-preserved commercial building from the late nineteenth century (as of 1997). Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided.…
Deyerle's Store as of 1997. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Stream, presumably in Blacksburg. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Small pond, presumably in Blacksburg. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Combination store and dwelling from the nineteenth century, which used to house Conway's drugstore and residence. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time…
Historic doorway and window in Blacksburg. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Photograph from the late nineteenth century of the Sarvey Men's Clothing Store, which preceded the Plank and Hoge Store. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the…
Plank and Hoge Store, later known as the Corner Drug Store. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
Main Street Blacksburg in the late nineteenth century. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
One-story frame house on Lee street, an example of a typical regional dwelling in Blacksburg. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
More expensive, two-story version of the Bandy House, seen on Progress Street. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit migration.
One of the most ornate houses in Blacksburg from the late nineteenth or early twentieth century. The house is now altered, and is known as the McCoy Funeral Home (as of 1997). Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not…
House from the late nineteenth century in one of the region's most popular house forms of the period. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit…
Ornate example of one of the most popular house styles of the region in the late nineteenth century. Image used in previous iteration of web exhibit and captions were not provided. Image titles and descriptions were created at the time of exhibit…