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Pond Creek coal mine, Pocahontas Fuel Co., Bartley, West Virginia
Pond Creek coal mine, Pocahontas Fuel Co., Bartley, West Virginia
Pond Creek coal mine, Pocahontas Coal Co., Bartley, West VA
Pond Creek coal mine, Pocahontas Coal Co., Bartley, West VA
Pond Creek coal mine, Pocahontas Coal Co., Bartley, W. Virginia
Pond Creek coal mine, Pocahontas Coal Co., Bartley, W. Virginia
Ponce de Leon Hotel, Roanoke, Virginia
Ponce de Leon Hotel, Roanoke, Virginia
Ponce de Leon Hotel, street car and horse and buggy
Ponce de Leon Hotel, street car and horse and buggy
Ponce de Leon Hotel in Roanoke, Virginia
Ponce de Leon Hotel in Roanoke, Virginia
Ponce de Leon Hotel
Ponce de Leon Hotel
Ponce de Leon Hotel
Ponce de Leon Hotel
Poly-Scientific Building
Outside of the Poly-Scientific building, owned by Litton Industries
Poly-Scientific (2)
Poly-Scientific Building, owned by Litton Industries
Poly-Scientific (1)
Photo of a two-story building with signage "Poly-Scientific; A division of Litton Industries"
Poly Scientific Corporation
Businessmen pose next to a new "Poly-Scientific Corporation" sign in Blacksburg, VA
Polly Holloway, Jean Robbins, Martha Akers, Roberta Minnish, and Sandy Bosworth
Newman Library (Virginia Tech) Board room, February 20, 2004. Culinary Collection Committee meeting.Committee meeting
Pole Vaulting
Pole Vaulting
Pole Vaulter
Pole Vaulter
Pole Vault
Pole Vault
Polar Bears at the Smithsonian Museum
Polar Bears at the Smithsonian Museum
Poem[?] with no author
Possible poems with no author written. No date given.
Poem, Timothy Williamson, Undated (Ms2008-020)
Poem written by Timothy Williamson in response to the April 16, 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech.
Poem, first line, "I know I have a right..."
Handwritten poem composed during the Civil War by "M. M. Williams".
Poem, first line, "For you I climb..."
Handwritten poem composed during the Civil War by "M. M. Williams".
Poem, Barbara Hylton (Ms1998-001)
Hylton writes a poem to her husband, Lorenzo, about receiving the picture that he sent.
Poem, "Varium et Mutbaile Semper Femina"
Poem written by Lucy Dickinson Urquhart.
Poem, "On just an ordinary day…", P00346 (Ms2008-020)
A typewritten poem starting with the line "On just an ordinary day, a weapon drawn and lives forever changed."
Poem, "Musical Reduction"
Poem written by Lucy Dickinson Urquhart.
Poem, "I know you're sad and are afraid…", O00038 (Ms2008-020)
Photocopy of a poem that says, "I know you're sad and are afraid / because I see your tears. / I'll not be far, I promise that; / and I hope you'll always know / That my spirit will beclose to you, / wherever you may go. / Thank you so for Loving…
Poem written by Leitch on the occasion of Louis I. Jaffe's death in 1950 (enclosed with April 1, 1950 correspondence) (Ms2017-001)
Poem titled "The Southern Girls Song"
Handwritten poem composed during the Civil War by "M. M. Williams".
Poem titled "The Contraband"
Handwritten poem composed during the Civil War by "M. M. Williams".
Poem titled "Poetry"
Handwritten poem composed during the Civil War by "M. M. Williams".
Poem titled "Lord Ullins Daughter"
Handwritten poem composed during the Civil War by "M. M. Williams".
Poem fragment beginning "Ask the flower..."
Handwritten poem composed during the Civil War by "M. M. Williams".
Poem and card from the Cambridge Springs Prison
Handmade card and poem titled "A Child Loaned" from the female inmates of Cambridge Springs Prison.
Pocohontas Station
Pocohontas Station
Pocohontas Exhibition Mine
Pocohontas Exhibition Mine
Pocohontas Exhibition Mine
Pocohontas Exhibition Mine
Pocohantas Fuel Co - Boissevain, VA
Pocohantas Fuel Co - Boissevain, VA
Pocahontas, Virginia
Pocahontas, Virginia
Pocahontas, Virginia
Pocahontas, Virginia
Pocahontas Transport Corporation in Bluefield, West Virginia
Pocahontas Transport Corporation in Bluefield, West Virginia
Pocahontas passenger train publicity
Pocahontas passenger train publicity
Pocahontas No.3 Crossing High Bridge
Pocahontas No.3 Crossing High Bridge
Pocahontas logo on side of passenger car
Pocahontas logo on side of passenger car
Pocahontas Fuel Company, Yukon Mine, Yukon, West Virginia
Pocahontas Fuel Company, Yukon Mine, Yukon, West Virginia
Pocahontas Fuel Company, VA
Pocahontas Fuel Company, VA
Pocahontas Fuel Company, Switchback, West Virginia
Pocahontas Fuel Company, Switchback, West Virginia
Pocahontas Fuel Company, Pocahontas, Virginia
Pocahontas Fuel Company, Pocahontas, Virginia
Pocahontas Fuel Company, Pocahontas, Virginia
Pocahontas Fuel Company, Pocahontas, Virginia
Pocahontas Fuel Company, Pocahontas, Virginia
Pocahontas Fuel Company, Pocahontas, Virginia
Pocahontas Fuel Company, Pocahontas, Virginia
Pocahontas Fuel Company, Pocahontas, Virginia
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