Home of Alice Johnson: In 2000, The Virginia Tech College of Human Resources and Education (CHRE) appointed Jean Robbins to form a committee to promote the preservation of culinary materials. Members of the first Culinary Collection Committee: Dr.…
While Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil was marketed until the 1940s and 1950s, the particular trade card in this collection most likely dates to the late Victorian era. The Victorian era is a period of time that directly corresponds with the reign of the…
Old black automobile with a man sitting behind the wheel parked infront of a Harvey Black's house on the corner of Washington & Main St. in Blackburg VA
A draft of a report with a calculation of the rotation of the line of apsides resulting from the atmospheric drag in a spherical atmosphere by H.J. Stewart, professor of aeronautics. It includes a typed letter to Herrick at the beginning from…