Browse Items (29162 total)

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_1846_11a.jpg
Bill for George Riggle for November of 1846.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_1847_1011a.jpg
John Bralley is to work for Isaac Williams, surveyor of the road.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_1848_0825a.jpg
Sheet of calculations.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_1849_03a.jpg
Bill for Edmond W. Lockette, beginning in March of 1844.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_1854_1030a.jpg
Bill for Robert Lewis, beginning on October 30th in 1854.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_1855_0218a.jpg
List of bills owed and purchases made.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_1861_0427a.jpg
List of bills owed and services done for Alexander Pierce by S.C. Bralley, beginning in 1859.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd1.jpg
Note stating that James Brooks has paid his debt in full. Note also contains pig-pen cipher that says 'Wythe County Va. Oct. 2, 1816." It is unclear if the date corresponds to the rest of the note.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd2a.jpg
Undated bill for [Thomas].

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd3a.jpg
Sheet of paper containing the repeated phrase "Commandments ten god gave to men."

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd4a.jpg
undated bill for an unknown person.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd5a.jpg
Drafts of a promise to pay Mitchell C. Brawley an unspecified sum.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd6a.jpg
Account sheet of John Bralley.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd7a.jpg
Constitution of the Cripple Creek Bible Society.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nd8a.jpg
List of people in arrears, presumably belonging to John Bralley.

Ms2000-092_F14_Notes and bills_nda.jpg
Crossed out bill; used as paper to get arithmetic solutions.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_1836_0730.jpg
Weaving pattern for stars and squares, or the Ladies' delight, by Nancy Thrasher.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_1839_1107.jpg
Weaving pattern for Twitted Bird Eye, made by Mary Jane Trevey.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_1839.jpg
Vines weaving pattern.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_1841_0129.jpg
Draft for stars and squares weaving pattern for Mary Jane Trevey.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_1841_0305a.jpg
Weaving patterns by Mary Jane Trevey.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_1841_0308.jpg
Tennessee Beauty pattern, made by [Mary Jane Trevey].

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_1860_1115.jpg
Sinkin Creek Beauty pattern, made by Mary Jane Trevey.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_Fast Thred_nd.jpg
Fast thread pattern for the back shaft of a loom.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_Misc_nd.jpg
Unlabeled and undated weaving patterns.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_Stuart_nd.jpg
Undated weaving pattern, labeled with both Miss [Mary] Jane Trevey and John B. Stuart.

Ms2000-092_F15_Weaving Patterns_Taylor_nd.jpg
Undated weaving pattern made by Susan Taylor.

Notebook belonging to John Bralley, where he practiced arithmetic (1815-1816). The latter parts of the book contain store accounts from 1832-1846. Parts of the book are written in pig-pen cipher.

Letter from Albert Einstein to Robert E. Marshak dates August 6, 1947. Einstein as chairman of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Sciences, Inc., is asking Marshak and others to push for peace and to ask that the atomic bomb is never used again.

Letter (photocopy) from Albert Einstein to Robert E. Marshak, dated March 3, 1953, thanking him for giving time and energy to the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) in Haifa.

Photo of the men who participated in the Shelter Island Conference, which occured in June of 1947.

Carbon copy of letter from Richard P. Feynman to Enrico Fermi about new physics research.

Letter (photocopy) from Richard P. Feynman to Robert E. Marshak, dated August 17, 1985, talking about Feynman's joint paper and relationship with Murray Gell-Mann and giving credit to E. C. George Sudarshan and Marshak for their work. Feynman is…

Letter (photocopy) from Robert E. Marshak to Richard P. Feynman thanking him for a previous letter from a conference in Kyoto, Japan, probably referring to Feynman's August 17, 1985 letter acknowledging the contributions of Feynman, Marshak, E. C.…

The February 19, 1987 report on the council delegation visit to the U. S. S. R. from February 2 through February 6 contains remarks from the delegation members--Peter G. Peterson, Henry A. Kissinger, and Cyrus R. Vance--to the Council on Foreign…

Affidavit filled out by H. Halban of the National Research Council of Canada (Montreal Laboratory) for Robert E. Marshak for the Selective Service System in 1943. Halban lists Marshak's duties as performing "secret war research work in specialized…

Letter dated September 28, 1950, from Robert E. Marshak to J. Robert Oppenheimer discussing new physics reaseach related to π− meson-absorption in hydrogen and deuterium.

Letter dated March 16, 1951, from Robert E. Marshak to J. Robert Oppenheimer discussing two papers, "Photo Meson Production" by University of Rochester physics student, Morton F. Kaplon, and Marshak's "Meson Reactions in Hydrogren and Deuterium."

Telegram dated February 20, 1967, from Ruth and Robert E. Marshak to Kitty Oppenheimer offering condolences for the passing of her husband J. Robert Oppenheimer.

Letter from A. Matveyev to J. Robert Oppenheimer discussing the program of an upcoming physics conference.

Thank you letter from J. Robert Oppenheimer to A. A. Abrikosov and I. M. Khalatnikov of the Academy of Sciences, Moscow, regarding a previous letter where they gave advice on planning an upcoming conference.

Letter dated December 1, 1947, from J. Robert Oppenheimer to Robert E. Marshak regarding Marshak's appointment as a member of the School of Methematics of the Institute for Advanced Study for the spring 1948 semester.

Letter from J. Robert Oppenheimer to Robert E. Marshak regarding his presence in France as well as CERN.

Telegram from J. Robert Oppenheimer to Robert E. Marshak informing him that he will be in Europe on May 8, 1963, to speak to Marshak or "Eklund."

Thank you note, undated, from J. Robert Oppenheimer to Robert E. Marshak. Oppenheimer was thanking Marshak for his note on Okubo [probably University of Rochester physicist Susumu Okubo], and telling him to have a good time on his trip.

Response letter, dated November 1, 1966, to a previous letter from A. Matveyev dated October 28, 1966, where Matveyev gave advice on planning a physics conference. Oppenheimer expressed his thanks for the letter and let Matveyev know that he was in…

Photocopy of a photo of J. Robert Oppenheimer (left) talking to Jim Osborne. Handwritten note says "original photo at UR" [University of Rochester?].

Photocopy of a photo of an unidentified group of men at a conference.

Photocopy of a group photo of participants at a conference.
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