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Major Thomas Gilbert Wood
Major Thomas Gilbert Wood, Second Assistant Commandant.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute Corps of Cadets Band
Virginia Polytechnic Institute Corps of Cadets Band
In formation in front of barracks at V.P.I.
In formation in front of barracks at V.P.I.
VAMC Campus
VAMC Campus
Cadets at V.A.M.C.
Cadets at V.A.M.C.
Science Hall and Barracks No. 4
Science Hall and Barracks No. 4
Barracks No. 4
Under construction; Science Hall in the rear.
The New Y.M.C.A. Building
The New Y.M.C.A. Building
James Haller Gibboney
James Haller Gibboney, first Graduate Manager of Athletics.
Cadet Band
Cadet Band
Camel Ride at the Exposition
Camel Ride at the Exposition
Steam Engine and Walkers
Steam Engine and Walkers
V.P.I. Encampment at the South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition
V.P.I. Encampment at the South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition
Barracks at VAMC
Barracks at VAMC
Cadets on benches at the Exposition
Cadets on benches at the Exposition
Cadet Battalion before Barracks No. 1
Cadet Battalion before Barracks No. 1
Cadets on board the U.S.S. Cincinnati
Cadets on board the U.S.S. Cincinnati
Campus of V.P.I.
Campus of V.P.I.
Mandolin and Glee Club
Mandolin and Glee Club
Exposition Building of the South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition
Exposition Building of the South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition.
Machine Shop on V.P.I. Campus
Machine Shop on V.P.I. Campus
Building at V.P.I., Blacksburg, Virginia
Building at V.P.I., Blacksburg, Virginia
Barracks at VAMC
Barracks at VAMC
Encampment at the South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition
Encampment at the South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition
Midway at the Exposition
South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition.
1901 Football Team
1901 Football Team
Cadets on board the U.S.S. Cincinnati
Cadets on board the U.S.S. Cincinnati
New President's House, "The Grove"
New President's House, "The Grove"
Mandolin and Glee Club
Mandolin and Glee Club
House Near Campus of V.P.I.
House Near Campus of V.P.I.
House Near Campus of V.P.I.
House Near Campus of V.P.I.
Baseball Team
Baseball Team
Mess Hall and Auditorium/Chapel
Mess Hall and Auditorium/Chapel
Gate and Building on Hill
Gate and Building on Hill
Smoke Stack and University Campus
Smoke Stack and University Campus
Cadets in full dress uniform, at V.P.I.
Cadets in full dress uniform, at V.P.I.
Cadet Band
Cadet Band
Main Street, Blacksburg, Virginia
Main Street, Blacksburg, Virginia
Interior of the Mess Hall
Interior of the Mess Hall
Class Room Interior at V.P.I.
Class Room Interior at V.P.I.
Class Room Interior at V.P.I.
Class Room Interior at V.P.I.
Cadet Life at V.P.I.
Cadet Life at V.P.I.
Field Day
Field Day
The 1901 Baseball Team
The 1901 Baseball Team
"Bull" Eskridge and "Nig" Ingles
Bull Eskridge, right halfback, 166 lbs. Nig Ingles, left halfback, 164 lbs.
"Butsie" Tredwell and "Big" Johnson
Butsie Tredwell, right end, 160 lbs. Big Johnson, left end, 160 lbs.
"Becky" Starke and "Splinter" Wood
Becky Starke, left tackle (173 lbs.) Splinter Wood, right tackle (181 lbs.)
"Jumbo" Pelter and "Obie" Whitehurst
Jumbo Pelter, right guard (241 lbs.) Obie Whitehurst, fullback (130 lbs.)
John B. Hufford, Captain of the 1900 Football Team
John B. Hufford, Captain of the 1900 Football Team
"Nig" Ingles
"Nig" Ingles
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