2014 update to: Robert Gray's The McGavock Family. A Genealogical History of James McGavock and His Descendants from 1760 to 1903. Richmond: W.E. Jones, 1903. CS 71 .M144 1903 (copies in Special Collections and Newman Library)
Letter written by Joseph Eames to the Confederate Secretary of War, April 20, 1863 in regards to petitioning the secretary to reassign his son, Pope Eames, to the Danville Gun Factory on account of Pope's being to sick to serve in the field.
This is a document appraising the values of enslaved persons and lands held by Robert Edmiston, of Washington County, Virginia. The inventory lists an enslaved man and woman, both aged between 12 and 50 years, and an enslaved boy and girl, both aged…
Letter (photocopy) from Albert Einstein to Robert E. Marshak, dated March 3, 1953, thanking him for giving time and energy to the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) in Haifa.
Letter from Albert Einstein to Robert E. Marshak dates August 6, 1947. Einstein as chairman of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Sciences, Inc., is asking Marshak and others to push for peace and to ask that the atomic bomb is never used again.